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Another 11 training videos about image editing, featured images and WordPress premium themes

WordPress online training course

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About a year ago from Steve Slisar's Twitter via Mailchimp

NEWS FLASH: Yet another 11 training videos have been added to our WordPress Training Course!

Only recently we announced the addition of 23 new training videos for our online WordPress training course and that is only shortly after the launch of our exciting new website design and blogging course. Why are we populating this course so vigorously? Because we are working with 3-4 students who are building their live sites right now using the content of our course, everytime they come across a stumbling block, we solve it and create more content for our online course. LIFETIME student membership means that you get access to all these new training videos at no extra charge EVER.

This time we’ve focused on teach you how to work with images to get a really professional looking website using a featured slider. We’ve provided  great sources online for royalty free images, show you how to get images in just the right size for your website AND get the featured slider working with our recommended premium themes.

Here the video list and if you are an existing student you can simply click on the link, login and get straight to the new learning resources:

If you are not a student yet, but you want to learn more visit our website dedicated to our WordPress online training course.
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