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Using Microsoft Excel to calculate Payroll Liabilities like PAYG, Medicare and Super

Excel Training Quick Tip

Payroll Categories and amounts using Nested IF STATEMENTS in Excel Training
We recently created an Excel spreadsheet to demonstrate how to calculate the amount of PAYG, Super, Medicare levy and Flood Levy payable by a company for it’s employees based on an employees gross yearly income. It’s  an excellent example of using IF STATEMENTS and NESTED IF STATEMENTS.

You can change the gross annual income and watch all the other figures change automatically.

We’ll be using this information in our MYOB Payroll Training Course which will undergo a huge update this quarter. If you are a small business owner you can calculate your PAYG obligations on a spreadsheet and then enter the pay transaction as a journal entry or spend money in your MYOB software.

This Payroll, PAYG, Super excel file is now freely available to students of the Microsoft Excel Online Training Course, just log into Course 306 which covers IF STATEMENTS. Remember if you are an MYOB training course student you can enrol into our Excel training course for a discount. See the Course Outline for MYOB Day-to-Day (existing students only) for the details of how to claim your discount.

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Graduation & feedback for Online MYOB Training Course

Graduating Students

We want to send a congratulations to some of our students and their success in our online MYOB training course and all the best for their future using the software for bookkeeping and managing company accounts. If you are seeking new employment we also wish you the best in your searching, resume writing, applications and interviews. Congratulations to:

Katya (ACT), Katayou (NSW), Linda (QLD), Veronika (QLD), Jenny (VIC), Denise (NSW), Natalie (NSW), Jacqueline (WA), Sara (NSW), Gopan (NSW), Matthieu (QLD), Kelly (NSW), Rhonda (QLD), Sarah (WA), Pia (VIC), Wayne (QLD), Geri (WA), Kerry (VIC), Robyn (NSW), Darlene (NSW), Celeste (NSW), Michelle (NSW), Cassandra (VIC), Angela (WA), Erica (WA).

What students say

We also want to share some of the comments that current students have made regarding what they enjoyed most about our course and training material:

“My experience with Ezylearn was great. I am going to recomend your website to all my friends and family members”


“All of the course information and also the knowledge tests”


“(The best part of the course was) the walk through videos”


“The explanations were good”


“I thought the course was very thorough and easy to find information especially if I need to review a task… It was very convenient to do the course in my own time when i had available…. and at my own pace”


“Having workbooks to supplement the videos and able to practise simple exercises. Also, the opportunity to be able the myob program for free rather than having to buy it”


“Steve is quite good and makes the video enjoyable and makes it easy for me to learn how to navigate around MYOB”


“Ease of use. Convenient – study when you feel like it and have the time to do it. The videos are easy to follow even though I was using a (different) version of MYOB than those in the videos. This didn’t seem to matter because differences between them were very basic, and are mostly only aesthetic”


“Easy to understand”


“Most of the course was good and the support documention is helpful so I can alway go back to it”


Scheduled Improvements

Don’t worry, we’re not sitting on our laurels just because students have praised our online training courses. There’s also lots of work to be done to make some parts of our courses even better and we want to let you know about them:

  1. New content for the online MYOB training course (including Payroll and Reporting)
  2. More practical Microsoft Excel exercises for things like PAYG and manipulating MYOB reports
  3. Demonstrations on how to perform some calculations in Excel and enter them manually into MYOB
  4. More website measurement statistics for WordPress courses using Google Analytics
Please feel free to send us some suggestions.


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How’s your resume looking?

Resume writer and writing service
Resume Template

Find a job or become more valuable

Apart from our corporate customers who have their staff training on programs like Microsoft Excel to improve their productivity, many students complete their MYOB accounting or Excel spreadsheet training courses to make them more employable because they are in search of work. Their circumstances vary and include:

  • Advancing from one position to a better one,
  • Being made redundant and in search of a new job,
  • Returning to the workforce after bringing up a family
  • Want to work from home while bring up a child

Resume Writing

We are in a great position to help you with your resume writing because we understand the employment market and the needs of employers and we have team members with excellent writing skills. Some of our EzyLearn team members have written resumes and application letters for students and we want to know if you or a friend of yours needs a resume written (or re-written).

Read more about EzyResume combined resume writing and online Microsoft Word Course and use this discount voucher (eler1) to receive a $50 discount. This offer is valid for a limited time only, so be quick.

Share your resume writing experiences with us

Many of our students are looking for work in an administration and bookkeeping capacity so the format for the resumes are fairly consistent. Have you had an experience where you learnt something valuable about what to include and what not to include in your resume?

If you want to share your circumstances (including the success of your job hunting) with us please send visit the EzyLearn Online Training Courses Facebook page and let her know your successes or if you need a resume to be written.

We look forward to hearing from you.

See other blog posts we’ve written about writing resumes and tools to help you find a job.

Linkedin: Will it replace your written resume?

Social-Media and online MYOB Training coursesIn the course of our business we’ve used Linkedin to find people with certain skills and after speaking to recruitment offices and HR personnel we’ve discovered some interesting things about linkedin and how it can help you get the job (or customer) you’re looking for.

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Another 11 training videos about image editing, featured images and WordPress premium themes

WordPress online training course

NEWS FLASH: Yet another 11 training videos have been added to our WordPress Training Course!

Only recently we announced the addition of 23 new training videos for our online WordPress training course and that is only shortly after the launch of our exciting new website design and blogging course. Why are we populating this course so vigorously? Because we are working with 3-4 students who are building their live sites right now using the content of our course, everytime they come across a stumbling block, we solve it and create more content for our online course. LIFETIME student membership means that you get access to all these new training videos at no extra charge EVER.

This time we’ve focused on teach you how to work with images to get a really professional looking website using a featured slider. We’ve provided  great sources online for royalty free images, show you how to get images in just the right size for your website AND get the featured slider working with our recommended premium themes.

Here the video list and if you are an existing student you can simply click on the link, login and get straight to the new learning resources:

If you are not a student yet, but you want to learn more visit our website dedicated to our WordPress online training course.
Remember that you can subscribe to these blog/news posts by visiting our blogsite at
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We’ve just added 23 training videos to our online WordPress Training course

NEWS FLASH: If you are an existing student you’ll be thrilled to hear that we have created and made available 23 new videos about becoming an expert in WordPress. These new videos are available to you at no extra charge and they are part of our growing range of WordPress, Google and Social Media topics that are coming shortly.

The topics we have covered in this videos includes:

  • Blogs, Posts and RSS Feeds
  • File Management and File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • Website Statistics and Google Analytics
  • Backing up your website
  • Features of Elegant Themes Premium Themes
  • Social media and commenting
Nareev Bhatt was one of Australia’s top bloggers back in 2009 and he and other top bloggers like Karen Cheng use a simple website with Google Feedburner to deliver their news to anyone who wants to read it. This course will show you how to have your own newsletter using your WordPress Blog and FeedBurner.

This video from Channel 10 in 2009 explains how three popular bloggers make a lot of money by working from home.



Read more about our WordPress Training Course and join in to take advantage of our current prices and LIFETIME student access

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Navigating the EzyLearn Online Training Site

Come on a short journey to learn how to navigate the EzyLearn Online Training website. We’ll take you on a quick tour so you know what to expect as a student when you start your training with us. You’ll see one of the great benefits of joining and having at your disposal a learning resource for the rest of your working life.

Your student administration area enables you to quickly jump from course to course if you wish and the bread-crumb menu at the top gives you complete knowledge of which course you are in and gives you the ability to get back to your home page and course outline.

Take a look at our popular online Courses in MYOB Accounting, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and WordPress website design and blogging:

Here’s the video on how to navigate our training website.


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How valuable are words?

It seems that Google has brought back the magic of words. Why? Because they can be indexed and used in search results.

Can you index an image or a video? You can, but you need to index them using words.

You can find almost anything on Google but you need to use words to do it. When you click on a paid Google Adwords advertisement its usually due to the words the advertiser used to catch your attention. If you want to improve your Google organic search ranking you need to use the right “key”words on your website, they call that Search Engine Optimisation (or SEO).

Keywords, SEO, marketing, Google Adwords, resumes

Can someone in the Phillipines, India or Eastern Europe Write Like You?

You might be aware of the value of words these days because you need this skill to be effective in marketing your business online. The role of the copywriter is often undervalued because you can now hire someone in the Phillipines, India or Eastern Europe to write the content of your website or blog for a couple dollars per hour, but would you? After testing out individuals, copy-writing services and other international contracting companies we realise that the quality of the words we use and the ability to relate to other Australians is something only another Australian can truly do effectively. With all the talk about workers in developing countries taking jobs away from Australian workers, we realise that it’s their knowledge of Australian lingo, Australian tastes and Australian attitudes that makes their writing style truly Australian – and that makes it valuable to other Australians.

Work at Home

There is a way of getting good quality words for your website or blog for a reasonable price and that is by using a Virtual Assistant (sometimes called a remote worker, home worker or a remote contractor). There are some great writers out there who choose to work from home and if you use the services of an organisation like Virtually Yours you’ll find top quality writers and remote contractors with many other skills that are part of an organisation designed to find good virtual assistants and promote them as well as provide them with tools to be effective small business owners.

While we are on the topic I want to share the success of Terry from Ramancorp. He operates a small wholesale business supplying a range of framing, hanging, display and packaging materials and he lists them all on his website. Because he has gone to the trouble of providing as much information as possible he uses some very niche words that attract customer looking for the exact product they need. As a result Terry is getting a good amount of NEW customers EVERY month without having to pay a cent in Google Adwords advertising.

Words are Valuable in Resumes, Website and LinkedIn

Words are just as valuable in your resume so the next time you think about what kind of job you are looking for, think about the words that the advertiser might use to attract the right candidate and make sure your resume has these words in it.

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EzyLearn Provides Online Microsoft Excel Course for Bookkeepers Institute

Institute of Certified Bookkeepers - online Microsoft Excel Training CourseAs an Accredited Training Provider for the Institute of Certified Bookeepers, we are proud to provide our online Microsoft Excel course to the institute as part of their Professional Development Program.

Along with all levels (beginners to advanced), members of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers also receive the LIFETIME Membership and other benefits that come with being an EzyLearn student. Microsoft Excel is a perfect companion for accounting programs like MYOB Accounting.

For more information about EzyLearn Online Microsoft Excel course, please visit our Excel course website.

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Microsoft Excel Online Training Course: LIFETIME Student Access & Start Tomorrow

Common Questions for Computer Courses

Can I repeat the course if I don’t remember everything that is taught?

This was a common question that came up when we had our three Sydney based training centres. To make it easier for students we offered Free Repeats so that students could come back and learn the skills again. We then created training videos to complement our workbooks and in 2006 we closed our last training centre to focus on Online Computer Training Courses.

Can I start the Microsoft Excel course this week? I have Mondays and Wednesdays available.

This is a question about timing scheduling your calendar for an available course and we overcame this by recording the content of our classroom Microsoft Excel and Office training sessions as screen based videos so that students could come and visit whenever THEY had the time, not when WE scheduled the courses.

Online Microsoft Excel and MYOB training courses

With Broadband Internet and fantastic new learning technology we are able to delivery Microsoft Excel Training to you via our online course. This means you can enrol today and start by 5pm tomorrow. It also means that you can progress through the training course at your own pace using a combination of training video tutorials, training workbooks with exercise files and knowledge reviews to test your skills.

Who uses EzyLearn for Microsoft Excel Online Training courses?

Government departments, insurance companies, private companies and home users all use EzyLearn Online Computer Training courses. We recently interviewed a corporate training customer to find out why and this Case Study reveals how a leading energy reverse auction company, Energy Action, used EzyLearn’s Microsoft Excel training to manage the large amounts of data they receive to save their customers tens of thousands of dollars in energy costs: Energy Action Case Study

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EzyLearn’s Excel Course: Helping Energy Action Show Savings in Energy Cost and Consumption

IN THESE TIMES OF GLOBAL WARMING the need for businesses to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions has never been more important.

Australian company, Energy Action, prides itself on helping businesses reduce energy usage and save money. Energy Action provides an innovative flagship service it terms the ‘Australian Energy Exchange’ through which energy suppliers can competitively bid against one another for the supply of an organisation’s energy. With a best-fit contract usually secured in only 15 minutes, more than 5000 businesses have now partnered with Energy Action to maximise their energy savings, culminating in more than $5 billion worth of energy contracts.

Energy Action provides their clients with quality monthly reports showing clients’ energy demand, power factor, load factor, energy consumption, emissions and more. Their daily monitoring flags when clients’ demand targets are approached or exceeded.

Microsoft Excel Online Course 308 - pivot table value field settings
Microsoft Excel Online Course 308 - pivot table value field settings

Read how Energy Action staff learnt about Pivot Tables and Charts, Conditional Formatting, VLOOKUP and much, much more to provide a higher level of knowledge to their customers: Energy Action Case Study

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New MYOB Training Content available for all students

MYOB Training Course Bank Reconciliation Tutorial Screen

If you are enrolled into our online MYOB training course you’re probably aware of our LIFETIME access feature. You might also recall that this feature enables you to log in at any time and have access to any new or updated content that we create.

We’ve just created training video tutorials for our MYOB bank reconciliation course!

The training workbook for the bank reconciliation course contains a project where you can create a new company file from scratch, import an accounts list (Chart of Accounts), import transaction journals and then enter your own transactions to complete a bank reconciliation. It’s a very satisfying feeling!

Here is a list of the 9 new training videos we created. If you are a student you can simply click on each video, sign-in and start watching.

  • Section 1 Video 1 – Export and Import using MYOB
  • Section 1 Video 2 – Working with Read Only MYOB data files
  • Section 1 Video 3 – Exporting Accounts List and Transaction Journals
  • Section 1 Video 4 – Exploring Exported MYOB Accounts list Data
  • Section 1 Video 5 – Create a new training company datafile
  • Section 1 Video 6 – Importing an accounts list into a new MYOB data file
  • Section 1 Video 7 – Importing the Transaction Journals into a new MYOB data file
  • Section 1 Video 8 – Deleting duplicate accounts and changing linked accounts
  • Section 1 Video 9 – Setting Linked Accounts for GST

    As part of our continuous improvement process we are now hosting our videos on a dedicated video hosting platform and the videos can now be paused and played and you can enable them to take up the full screen for easier viewing.

    Happy Learning!

    To learn more about our online MYOB training course and the fantastic new features like LIFETIME membership, EzyLearn Q&A and more visit:

    [button link=””] MYOB online training course[/button]

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    How-To Guides: Writing a killer resume?

    Example of a Resume CVIf you are like a lot of students who enrol into our online MYOB and Excel training courses you probably haven’t used your CV in quite a while. I had a situation in 2008 when I needed a CV for a project I was presented with and it was a time consuming task which took a lot longer than I expected.

    We’ve been talking to a man who operated his own head-hunting business and he has plenty of experience in not only presenting himself to potential employers, but also as a person who reads resumes, and conducts interviews on a day to day basis.

    We also spoke to a professional writer and a rehabilitation consultant and they will share their insights as well as provide tips on how to write the perfect resume, prepare for job interviews, write cover letters and much more. Their team even includes a professional bookkeeper who will share insights about how to find work as a bookkeeper.

    These career professionals are team members of our training partners, Workface, and you can read their job seekers blog as well as subscribe so you receive the tips via email.

    One of the tid-bits that I can reveal is the importance of personalising every resume so that the recipient feels like you are talking only to them. Subscribe to their blog and get some great job seeking skills.

    Want to read other blog posts about resume writing and tips and tricks to find employment?

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    Selling horse feed in the internet age

    We’re in the internet age whether we like it or not. Our internet connection is as valuable to us now as our power supply and our telecommunications and it’s important to have a website if you are in business. In this post I want to introduce you to a small operation in King Island in Tasmania. A company that sells Kelp is learning how to play the internet game and best of all you can learn with them.

    Kelli has a WordPress website hosted with 123ezy and we are building our WordPress and Webmaster Course around her growing internet presence. To start with we have created some elementary training videos about the navigation around the WordPress themes and what different parts of the website are called. We’re learning about themes, header images, menus and widget just to get started. As we progress we’ll be talking about Pages vs Posts, tags and categories, working with images, Search Engine Optimisation and much more.

    We’ve included our Introduction to WordPress video below so if you are reading this on your phone, click on the heading to get to our Blog page where you can watch the full video.

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    MYOB Training Q&A: Printing Cheques using MYOB

    MYOB Training Online - Printing cheques
    Image of a cheque from

    We recently introduced the EzyLearn Q&A service for our MYOB online training course students to give you more specific answers to your MYOB questions. The service is available for existing EzyLearn students only and there is no extra cost for this service. If you are an existing student and you need an answer to an MYOB question please feel free to use the service!

    One of our students in Perth is having some issues printing cheques and the bookkeeper for their organisation is being a little cagey with the information so we jumped in to help.

    In a nutshell you need to make sure that whether you create a cheque from the banking module or the Purchases module, you need to ensure that when your payment is entered that it is NOT marked as printed. So that when you do search for Cheques to be printed the one you want will show up.

    Keep the questions coming and stay tuned to the EzyLearn blog (register to receive them automatically) to see what MYOB Online Training students are looking for.

    If you are an existing student simply follow this link to see the Printing Cheques using MYOB training guide we created to answer the question. Just log in with your student login details.

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    You should now have your certificate

    Iroshini - Online Training CoursesYou may recall that we identified a GAP in our internal resources last week (ie. we needed an extra team member) to help us with the backlog of assessing and issuing of certificates for our online Microsoft Excel and MYOB training courses.

    Well, here she is Iroshini has performed small tasks for us over the last month or so, but she’s now on board to ensure that the results of knowledge reviews are assessed quickly so that you can receive your  certificates faster. The result is you should have your certificate now 🙂

    Our Online MYOB Training Course has proven to be extremely popular and along with the announcement of Iroshini’s arrival we want you to know that we are currently building our MYOB Payroll course to include more detailed information about the Payroll liability accounts and how to create and setup a new employee, and create the pay slips.

    All of this new content will be available for existing students at no extra charge as part of our LIFETIME Membership offer. Stay tuned also for announcements about our new Microsoft Excel Online training materials… We have some new content in our advanced Microsoft Excel courses, some new knowledge reviews and updated training workbooks.


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    MYOB Training Course: We’ve identified problems

    MYOB online training course knowledge reviewsDon’t be alarmed, but we have identified problems. We’ve conducted some GAP analysis on our processes and realise that it is taking too long for us to assess the results of knowledge reviews.

    There are always ways that we can improve our business and the best way of finding out is by feedback from students who’ve actually completed the course. Like all good businesses we try hard to get better at what we offer and how we offer it and I’ve taken measures to ensure that our assessment issue is rectified immediately!

    Stay tuned for news about an addition to our team to handle student knowledge review assessments for the EzyLearn MYOB Course Certificate. We pride ourselves on having a very popular online MYOB training course that you can enrol into today and start by 5pm the next business day and now we are aiming to bring down the time for completion of assessment so that you can have your course completed, assessed and a certificate issued within 2 weeks. That’s our next goal.

    We’ve had some great feedback from students AND we are also listening to what they think we can improve. Here are some of the comments we’ve received from our MYOB online training students when asked about the best parts of our MYOB course:

    “…goes into fine detail of all aspect of MYOB”

    Sammar Kamar from Victoria

    “Liked the fact that I could know if I got the question right or wrong immediately.”

    Phillip Sayce from Queensland

    “..the convenience of being able to do it in your own time”

    Keira Page from New South Wales

    “It is all really good I couldn’t pick (the best parts) if I tried. I have tried to use MYOB in the past but it never made sense to me. But after doing your course it makes more sense. Thanks”

    Linda Matanovic from Queensland.

    Read what other students have to say about our online MYOB training course.

    The next improvement on our list is adding more detailed content to our Payroll Course. Oh, and you probably might already be aware, but existing students will have access to this new content for no extra charge because of our new LIFETIME student memberships that come with each course.