A money back guarantee means that if you aren’t satisfied with what you learn at our online course, then you receive a full refund. We asked ourselves “Do people like to learn this way… with online videos?”, then we thought lets give students every reason to try our MYOB course…If we offer free automatic student registration, access to 20 free videos and then a refund if you don’t like what you see, there’s really every reason to give it a go.We took a look at the pricing for most of the other websites offering MYOB courses and most of then charge a lot more, operate on a schedule (so you can’t start whenever you want) and then after the course there are no videos to reference on an ongoing basis.Here are some links that take you straight to certain videos at our website. You just need to ensure you have a free student account and you should be able to watch the videos.* Purchases: receive money and pay bills http://myobcourse.com/elearning/mod/resource/view.php?id=538* How to find transactions in MYOBhttp://myobcourse.com/elearning/mod/resource/view.php?id=501* Create customer and supplier cards in the MYOB Card filehttp://myobcourse.com/elearning/mod/resource/view.php?id=477There are 17 more videos that you can watch for free, and hundreds more when you enrol. Best of all, you can access these videos for 12 months as often as you need.Please feel free to post a reply to this post with your comments. I hope you like what we’ve created for you.
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