Accounting Tutors

Why such cheap online Xero & MYOB courses?

Good quality can be cheap and poor quality may be the most expensive

OFTEN IN LIFE we’re told that if something seems too good to be true then it probably is. Along the same lines as this is the expression that you get what you pay for. Indeed, I’ve commonly used the phrase: “Pay peanuts and you’ll get monkeys” but naturally, there are exceptions to this and plenty of cases where low cost can simply mean low cost – without meaning that quality or value has been compromised.

Decades of experience

We’ve been providing training to people from all around Australia for two decades. We also have people enrolling in our courses from around the world as far as the US, UK, New Zealand and Canada.

Around 20 years of being in the education and training business provides you with a lot of insight and experience into how people learn, what to include in our courses, what people find hard or easy to study, how to market best to an online audience, and generally what it is that constitutes high value education — resulting in real job outcomes.

So that’s my l’il toot of the trumpet, but I do say this because when it comes to online training, quality doesn’t have to come at a premium price.

$300 courses versus $1000 courses — what’s the difference?

When we first went online-only in 2006 we had many students that weren’t sure why our prices are so low, after seeing the same courses delivered for triple the price. This situation is still true today and even if a course is advertised for $25 per week you could be paying a ridiculous amount of money for similar training course content.

If you’re experiencing this right now you can take advantage of our Course Comparison Service where we’ll compare the courses offered by a competitor so you can see if there is any difference — IN FACT, you can do it yourself because we reveal everything about what is included in our courses right here at our website!, Check them out:

Xero Training Course

MYOB Training Courses

Microsoft Excel Training Course

The cheapest online training course you will find

We also provide some of the cheapest online training courses in the industry — sometimes THE cheapest, I’m sure; prices can fluctuate dramatically obviously. And this super competitive price point is something we’ve consistently aimed to do. Not just because it buys us more enrolments, but because I genuinely believe in helping people become the best that they can be — it’s extremely rewarding to work in a business that has that as an end goal, and it’s something that spurs me on through the inevitable challenges that we face like all businesses.

Not just the cheapest but everything is included

When I started this business, it was to help people learn. I genuinely went into it with the mindset of helping others. We also have always made it a point to include all skill levels for the one price because experience teaches us it can be hard to know what level to start at.

This can be for all kinds of reasons. For instance, you might be a parent returning to the workforce and want to brush up (and also give your confidence an added boost); you might have studied the software program in the past, only to find that you remember more than you thought (or significantly less than you thought); or you can start with the basics and refresh your knowledge — and keep going until you complete the advanced topics.

Even though they’re among the cheapest online training courses in the biz, we further pack in lots of free inclusions to help our student’s up-skill even further (think access to other courses and software programs) AND we give all our current students any course updates and additions (and we do these regularly).

When it comes to online training, and indeed, online businesses in general, it usually comes hand in glove with cutting overheads dramatically. At EzyLearn, we can provide some of the cheapest, most cost-effective online training courses and study programs in the industry because we no longer have training centres to pay for. We also don’t have all the computers and other hardware to maintain. Let alone all the training staff members. Instead, we have redirected those resources into our online training platform, content and friendly, responsive online support for students.

As market leaders in the price value war, the price for our courses even give you the option of LIFETIME student course access which we introduced in 2011.

Regularly updated and getting better all the time

The latest cloud accounting software programs are being updated regularly and it’s even more important to keep up-to-date. We’ve been creating our own training materials since the late 1990’s and we’ve regularly added to our training materials to give better and more relevant examples.

We don’t advertise!

But one of the most fundamental (and simple) reasons our accounting software training courses are so cheap is because we don’t advertise. After spending a lot of money in advertising when I first started by training centres, I decided I’d rather give away free samples and write helpful blogs than spend (nay, waste) money on advertising.

This means that when there are a tonne of aggressive advertisers, like we are seeing at the moment, (the companies that are filling up most of Google’s search results), it might be easy to enrol into a course for 3 times the price but NO BETTER content or support.

Bite-sized training micro courses in MYOB

Way back in 2003, we began recording training videos of the topics we covered in the face-to-face class; this led to students being able to start their course whenever they wanted to.

We have always delivered our courses in 2-3 hour-duration training sessions, because after that time we found that students find it harder and harder to concentrate.

We now structure our training courses in a way that is more modular; so that a module can be completed relatively easily and the student can be satisfied that they have reached and completed each level comfortably.

What are the benefits of online training?

Many of our students are parents returning to work or changing careers to have a better work life balance and work closer to home so they can be available for their children. Online learning is a great way to learn for people with busy lives and other commitments. It also enables you to:

  • Go over difficult topics several times if you need to
  • Start (and stop) your training at the appropriate skill level
  • Not have to wait for slower learners or catch up with faster ones!

If you want to speak with a course consultant, receive our current special offers or try some free training course samples, enquire with us now.

Steve Slisar

Steve Slisar has been training people how to use computers since 1994, opened a training centre in 1999 in Dee Why and by 2005 had 3 training centres and created over 35 individual courses that include Screen videos with audio commentary, training workbooks for those who prefer to read to learn, and exercise files that are used with the tasks in the workbooks so you get practical experience in the software you are trying to learn. Now the creator of 5 of the most popular online MYOB training courses in Australia.

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