Career Academy

Are your love languages stopping you from studying MYOB & Xero before Xmas?

I was speaking with someone recently who had to get more confident in using MYOB & Xero and they were talking about reasons they might not be able to enrol into a course. What was interesting was that most of the negatives appears to be caused by their husband. 

It’s time management that I’m talking about and that becomes even more of an issue if you are job hunting around this time of the year!

I remember reading about love languages in my 20’s (as you do) and recall that people need different things to feel loved. Now I’m a little older and I see it in the interactions of couples with kids. With less time available to “smell the roses”, more things to do and the need to be there for your kids, parents face some of the most challenging times of their lives particularly if they need to up-skill to find work.

When parents need to do an online training course, they need to manage their time to not only watch training video tutorials and read training manuals but they need quiet time, without distractions to get in an practise using the software. This is when they need “acts of service”. This is when partners or grandparents normally come to the aid and look after the kids and keep them occupied. 

The 5 love languages

The image shows which appear to be the most common love languages. You may relate to these differently but it could be very useful to understand what you need in order to enrol quickly and learn fast. 

If you are the person who needs to study then it could be up to you to find out how to get the messages / help you need.

One of the tools that we make available is the Career Academy Study Planner. This helps you use the expected course duration information for each course with your current calendar and schedule to pick your ideal study times and complete your training in just the right amount of time. 

If you are successful in getting your words of affirmations and acts of service you might find that you’ll get your quality time, physical touch and gives when you relax and enjoy Christmas. 

Learn more about your love language

LIFELONG Learning Hub

The Career Academy tools to help you discover what you love, identify jobs and get the tools to apply for and get these jobs is a FREE LIFETIME training resource for EzyLearn students – even if you enrolled back in 2013.

We have a lifetime commitment to creating and updating our training materials and we know that your end goal is to get a job, progress in your career or do a better job of running your business.

Learn more about the LIFELONG Learning Hub

Enrol now with MYOB & Xero Combination Courses

Students looking for accounts jobs close to home are now finding that they need to know both MYOB and Xero. 

Xero Accounting have done such a great job with their

  • product design,
  • being first in the cloud and
  • marketing

As a result they’ve taken much of the small business accounting market away from MYOB. MYOB have even had to break their software up into 2 versions (AccountRight and Essentials) to try to claw back market share and our combination courses give you both these versions for a discounted price. 

See the current MYOB & Xero Training Course Special Offer Bundles

Steve Slisar

Steve Slisar has been training people how to use computers since 1994, opened a training centre in 1999 in Dee Why and by 2005 had 3 training centres and created over 35 individual courses that include Screen videos with audio commentary, training workbooks for those who prefer to read to learn, and exercise files that are used with the tasks in the workbooks so you get practical experience in the software you are trying to learn. Now the creator of 5 of the most popular online MYOB training courses in Australia.

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