Paperback or kindle / iPad? Do you prefer real books?

13 years ago

I conducted a little experiment earlier this year on an avid book reader to see what she really thought about…

Grandpa Jack is a nerd

13 years ago

I wrote about strategic management decisions earlier this year to confirm our decision to make our online training courses available…

Is a machine reading your resume?

13 years ago

I was speaking with Ross Miller, the blind rehab consultant who has helped hundreds of job seekers learn new computer…

The Richest Man in Babylon

13 years ago

We wrote about the superannuation guarantee last week as part of our bookkeeping academy and continuing professional development (CPD) for…

Do you give away privacy for loyalty?

13 years ago

We wrote about the amazing success that Woolworths is having in the increased sale of products through  their online shopping…

Is your compulsory super about investing or saving?

13 years ago

We recently wrote about the yearly returns that APRA (the governing body for the financial services industry) announces to showcase…

Are you losing money in super? Who runs it?

13 years ago

As part of our continuous improvement for our online MYOB training courses and the development of our Payroll Level 2…

Get MYOB Test Drives (inc. AccountEdge for Mac) for free?

13 years ago

We recently had an inquiry from one of our MYOB Training students about accessing the free MYOB test drive software.…