Accounting automation

Accounting automation is having a big impact on the bookkeeping software programs, QuickBooks, MYOB and Xero.

Accounting automation reduces or even eliminates the data entry work that is included in the Basic and Beginners to Bookkeeping courses in MYOB and Xero.

These bookkeeping automations can even reduce or eliminate the need for bookkeeping and accounting professionals.

What’s happening PEPPOL?

Am I speaking gibberish or just crazy? No, I'm speaking the language of eInvoicing! PEPPOL is a global way for…

5 months ago

Amazing NEW Update from MYOB

Things are moving fast in the software industry as Intuit (QuickBooks), MYOB and Xero compete with each other with regular…

10 months ago

Thriday slyps past Xero directly to NAB Bookkeeper trial

The one thing I've found fascinating in accounting and bookkeeping is watching technology companies try to win clients. I'm not…

10 months ago

Who do you trust less? Microsoft, Mailchimp, Google or Apple?

The features that each of these companies provide is invaluable for businesses. We can't do without most of them in…

11 months ago

Xero vs HNRY + Thriday + Rounded + Parpera

Would you sign up to a Xero controlled back account? Would you let Xero become your accountant or tax agent…

2 years ago

Xero’s Integration With DiviPay Can Help Small Businesses Manage Expenses

Expense management is an important thing to have control of in order to keep a business running smoothly.  But it…

3 years ago

NAB Slyps past Xero Hubdoc to integrate Smart Receipts for Merchants and Customers

One of the most publicised recent acquisitions for Xero was Canadian Receipt Capture, Scan and Coding software HubDoc. Rather than…

4 years ago

Major bank wants to NAB uber small businesses

NAB partners with large accounting firm to bypass bookkeepers As an ex-NAB small business client I confess a biased against…

9 years ago