Bookkeeping Business Marketing

When It’s Good to Offer Free Bookkeeping Help

Providing an initial consultation free of charge IT'S NEVER REALLY a good idea to work for new client or potential…

7 years ago

Sometimes “Real World” Marketing, Not Digital, is More Appropriate

IF YOU'RE A TRADIE, working as a plumber, builder or carpenter, handyman, gardener or electrician, then you probably already know…

7 years ago

Is Your Day Rate a Marketing or Business Strategy?

I RECENTLY MET A PAINTER during a residential renovation I was involved with in Newcastle (an extremely valuable experience that…

7 years ago

Accounting Software or ERP System?

Are you BIG enough yet? I'VE BEEN IN BUSINESS since my early twenties but it wasn't until my late twenties…

7 years ago

How Bookkeepers Can STOP Losing Out to Accountants

Or is it just BAS Agents who are losing out? THE BURDEN ON Australian small businesses to stay compliant with…

7 years ago

Could Your CURRENT Bookkeeper be Jinxing their Replacement?

How easily could you replace your bookkeeper? WHETHER YOU USE A contract or remote bookkeeper, it's crucial that they keep…

7 years ago

Is a Certified Advisor or Certified Consultant Better Than a BAS Agent?

Finding the best bookkeeper for your business A bookkeeper who's certified in a particular accounting software may not mean that…

8 years ago

What Bookkeepers Can Learn From Real Estate Agents: Facebook Advertising

Facebook - Great for Local Marketing In its decade of existence, Facebook has built up a wealth of data about…

8 years ago

QuickBooks Isn’t SuperStream Compliant, But It Doesn’t Matter!

How QuickBooks Palms Off Payroll I'm a fan of QuickBooks as the functionality is excellent and the cost of the software is still…

8 years ago

Are You a Bookkeeper Who Needs More Clients? Want My Advice?

FINDING PROSPECTS AND converting them into clients involves selling and most of us hate doing it, but wait... For those…

8 years ago