
Be Real about Yourself for that Bookkeeping Job

We’re always trying to help people who have done our online MYOB course get work, so it’s time to emphasise…

12 years ago

Payroll Advice: The Role of the Payroll Professional

When the national minimum wage increased this month, it got us thinking about the role the payroll professional plays in…

12 years ago

EOFY Update: Increase to the National Minimum Wage

While you were busy with EOFY analysis — see our tips and checklists to ensure you haven't missed anything important…

12 years ago

EOFY Tips: Keeping the Accountant Happy

30 JUNE IS VERY LIKELY a date dreaded by most bookkeepers. If you're new to bookkeeping, we know it takes…

12 years ago

Survive 30 June: EOFY Payroll Checklist

While everyone else is excited by the prospect of receiving a fat tax cheque from Mr Tax Man, if you're…

12 years ago

1 JULY 2013: The Compulsory Superannuation Guarantee Increased

Now that we are offering the Small Business Management Course, and with so many of our MYOB Course students running…

12 years ago

Why I Chose EzyLearn for MYOB

Hi, my name's Michelle Stone and I'm an existing EzyLearn MYOB student. I’ve been asked to write a blog about…

12 years ago

More on Virtual Bookkeeping Businesses

In our last post we discussed why we updated our MYOB training material to include MYOB’s cloud accounting software Account Right Live…

12 years ago