Sales is an interesting career path which includes everything from real estate agents, account managers to direct sales people who…
You may be asking WHY it has taken us so long to create this training course COMBINATION package considering that…
There are dozens of new office admin & bookkeeping job ads EVERY day, even for remote workers! Find out how…
As part of our new initiative, EzyLearn Worklife, we’ve been speaking to EzyLearn graduates about their experiences with their course,…
Jobs in office administration and businesses administration are pretty popular currently – Seek has them projected at 7.3% and 9.9%…
We've added some new training materials in the Advanced Excel course relating to getting and transforming data and using the…
Are you only using 10% of Microsoft Office? Are you taking 2 hours to do something that can actually be…
Do you know how to use Microsoft Word? Oh, yes. Can you show me how to change the alignment of…
There's new content in our Advanced Microsoft Excel Course about Excel Macros that automate the reformatting of database information, exported…
I was speaking with someone who recently applied for call centre work for NSW Police and they were surprised at…