WordPress Training Course

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'Social proof' is testimonials, reviews and feedback of others, that vouches for the product or service we're thinking of buying. Social…

6 years ago

FREE Digital Marketing Seminar Presentation

Happy New Year and I hope you earn more in 2019 Setting goals is not just about earning more money…

6 years ago

How Long Does it Take to Write a Blog Post?

THE TRUTH IS, writing a blog post takes time. If it were the case of just writing some sentences, it wouldn't…

6 years ago

Get Discovered on Google for FREE – and Increase Traffic 100%

MANY YEARS AGO I spent $100,000 in advertising in one year. But I didn't make truckloads of money and became…

6 years ago

MYOB or WordPress for your new business website?

Is MYOB doing too little of too much? Every business needs a web presence, and it’s become a lot cheaper…

7 years ago

What are Online Ratings Based On?

Reviews tell a whole lot more IT CAN BE DIFFICULT to tell whether online ratings and reviews are real or not.…

8 years ago

Expensify, Xero and Your Retail Shop

Record retail inventory quickly IN A PREVIOUS POST we discussed how Expensify, an app which you can link to your Xero…

8 years ago

Thinking of Starting a Second Business? Introducing Jerry

Case Study: Costs for starting up a second, related business A LOT OF BUSINESS OWNERS branch out into related fields when their…

8 years ago

Making PowerPoint “Speak” with Audio

When Should I Use PowerPoint Audio? BEING THAT MOST PowerPoint presentations are created as a visual aid to accompany a speech…

8 years ago

Hiring Someone New? Why You Need to Personally Check their References

Why It Pays to Call the Switchboard When Doing a Reference Check I recently had a conversation with a colleague who said she’d never…

8 years ago