Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Bookkeepers

What’s The Difference between LIFETIME Access and Lifelong Learning?

We're here to help you learn FOR LIFE! WE HAVE TALKED about lifelong learning in a previous post; lifelong learning being…

7 years ago

The Best Xero-Integrated CRMs

How can you provide great customer service? Consistently? IF YOU ARE LIKE most businesses, you're probably communicating with your customers…

7 years ago

$99 MYOB Course: Intro, Intermediate, Payroll – ALL FOR $99!?

When a training course is not really a training course... WE REGULARLY PARTAKE in competitive analysis so we can keep…

7 years ago

What are Lifelong Learning and Lifelong Training Platforms?

Lifelong learning is the concept that learning isn’t confined to an individual’s childhood, but can be pursued throughout their life,…

7 years ago

Ray White’s Amber and LJ Hooker Compete with Purple & Jim’s Real Estate Play

Real estate agents are seeing purple! THE REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY IS undergoing substantial disruption. Only the real estate agents and agencies that…

7 years ago

Excel Spreadsheet Skills Overestimated & Needing Analysis

Needs Analysis a Waste of Time IN LARGER COMPANIES a Needs Analysis can be a powerful tool for delving into…

7 years ago

Different Ways to Find Work as a Bookkeeper

How can you earn money from bookkeeping? BAS AGENTS PERFORM MANY of the same tasks as a basic bookkeeper, which…

7 years ago

What Does Lifetime Access Mean for Xero and Excel Courses?

Receive updated course content — for life! ONE OF THE GREAT THINGS about Excel is that it has so many…

7 years ago

Don’t Wing It With Customer Service – Plan It

Great customer service doesn't just happen. HOW TO PROVIDE REALLY exceptional customer service is just one of the modules covered…

7 years ago

What Do Bookkeepers and Builders Have in Common?

How to see if your bookkeeper is competitive FINDING THE RIGHT BOOKKEEPER for your business isn't always easy, especially when…

8 years ago