Resume Writing

Don’t pay for Microsoft Word when you enrol into Excel or MYOB Training Courses

It's not a freebie we're proud of I recently asked our course development team to review the contents of our…

10 years ago

Why the File Name of Your Resume is So Important

When applying for a job, there are perhaps only two things most job seekers pay any attention to – the…

11 years ago

Redundancy is Not a Dirty Word: The Positives

There was once a time when saying the word “redundancy” in a workplace stirred much the same feelings as saying…

11 years ago

Get THAT Job this Year: The Importance of the Cover Letter

January is when we’re busiest processing enrolments in our MYOB courses, our Small Business Management courses and so on, and…

11 years ago

Recruiter Tells: What Will Make Your CV Get Noticed

If one of your resolutions was to find a new job this year, you're probably not alone. Job seekers are…

11 years ago

LinkedIn Profiles: What Not To Do

If you are like me, or pretty much any other living, breathing person on the planet with access to the…

12 years ago

4 Common Resume Mistakes to AVOID

The average employer or HR department spends approximately 35 seconds on each resume or CV before deciding to toss it…

12 years ago

The Skinny on Resume Writing

Basic do's and don't on resume writing The job market is tough; that much is true. But if you’ve been…

12 years ago

LinkedIn Profiles: How Useful Are They, Really?

What is the power of a LinkedIn profile? THERE MAY BE SOME debate over whether having a LinkedIn profile actually…

12 years ago

Do you stand out when looking for work?

It's that time of year when people are turning their new years resolutions into action and we've noticed a massive…

12 years ago