Website Design

Email Is An Important Part of Your Business’s Brand

Getting your own "branded" email is a cinch! [dropcap]T[/dropcap]HE INTERNET HAS democratised many elements of starting your own small business,…

6 years ago

The Biggest Boost to Business Morale

WHETHER YOU WORK as a bookkeeper in a small business, are self-employed with your own business, work as a freelancer…

6 years ago

How Aussie Mums are Starting their Own Businesses

THERE IS A FAIRLY SIGNIFICANT gender imbalance for executive positions in the corporate world. Sure, there are notable exceptions, but…

7 years ago

Google Can Help You Make More Money – And It’s Not by Using Adwords!

Helping tradespeople, sole traders and contractors manage and keep clients I’VE WRITTEN ABOUT how tradespeople can earn more money quickly…

7 years ago

Use Facebook Ads to Stay Front of Mind With People Who Already Know You

Don't miss a golden opportunity to build brand awareness! I RECENTLY SPOKE WITH a few different Novocastrian real estate agents…

7 years ago

Why Aren’t The Phones Ringing or Leads Coming Through?

Researching the Market is a Crucial Part of Every Business Strategy In a previous post, Is Your Charge-Out Rate a Marketing…

7 years ago

Is Your Day Rate a Marketing or Business Strategy?

I RECENTLY MET A PAINTER during a residential renovation I was involved with in Newcastle (an extremely valuable experience that…

7 years ago

Ray White’s Amber and LJ Hooker Compete with Purple & Jim’s Real Estate Play

Real estate agents are seeing purple! THE REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY IS undergoing substantial disruption. Only the real estate agents and agencies that…

7 years ago

Finding Help with Your Bookkeeping

Why you should employ a bookkeeper to help manage the books PERHAPS YOU ARE a small business owner who is…

7 years ago

Who Do You Trust More: Real Estate Agents or Tradies?

Still unsure whether you can trust online ratings and reviews? IT CAN BE HARD to know whether you can really trust…

8 years ago