Microsoft Excel training course updates

You should now have your certificate

You may recall that we identified a GAP in our internal resources last week (ie. we needed an extra team…

14 years ago

Advanced Excel: eliminating errors in functions

Forward this email to your friends so they can subscribe themselves. Click on the heading to visit the EzyLearn Blog…

14 years ago

Advanced Excel Tip: IF Statements

IF Statements are what is called a LOGICAL test, such as is this value larger than this, if true do…

14 years ago

Microsoft Excel 2007 & 2010 Training – menus and ribbons

If you are receiving this as an email, click on the heading to see the free training video at the…

14 years ago

Steve training Excel and MYOB in December

If you are located in Sydney and want to attend an MYOB Day to Day Transactions course or Beginners Microsoft…

14 years ago

Earn money with phone bill analysis and Microsoft Excel

One of the benefits of a spreadsheet is you can use a reasonably complicated spreadsheet over and over. One person…

14 years ago

New online training course videos due shortly

Setup a Youtube channel, upload a video, get the embedding code, create a new post in Wordpress, a custom video…

15 years ago