excel training courses

Competing with Udemy for Micro Skills Training Courses in Xero

The end of the calendar year, school holidays, summer and Christmas all combine to give us all a break from…

2 years ago

Household Budget using Microsoft Excel Course: Track Interest Rates, Expenses & Income

A household budget can keep you sane in times when major expenses are fluctuating. It is a requirement if you…

2 years ago

Attn: New Advanced Excel Certificate Course topics

We've added some new training materials in the Advanced Excel course relating to getting and transforming data and using the…

4 years ago

ATTN: Online Business Course FREE with Xero, MYOB, Excel & Bookkeeping Academy Training Course Packages

Online Businesses Courses are coming to our FREE Student Inclusions and they're aimed at helping you work better online from…

4 years ago

Xero Accounting to Excel Spreadsheets to MailChimp & Email Marketing

There's new content in our Advanced Microsoft Excel Course about Excel Macros that automate the reformatting of database information, exported…

5 years ago

Learn Microsoft Excel Beginners to Advanced for $1

It seems that we Aussies always get on the retail marketing bandwagon so here we go! For a limited time…

5 years ago

Announcement: Microsoft Excel Training Workbooks Instant Download

So you want to learn Excel quickly and you're on a budget? Buy our Excel Beginners' to Intermediate training workbooks…

5 years ago

Staff Can do their Own Microsoft Excel Needs Analysis?

Save time, save money, get better skills, re-skill now IN A PREVIOUS POST I wrote about how most staff and…

7 years ago

Excel Spreadsheet Skills Overestimated & Needing Analysis

Needs Analysis a Waste of Time IN LARGER COMPANIES a Needs Analysis can be a powerful tool for delving into…

7 years ago

What Does Lifetime Access Mean for Xero and Excel Courses?

Receive updated course content — for life! ONE OF THE GREAT THINGS about Excel is that it has so many…

7 years ago

3 Things You MUST Do in Excel!

Business owners and job seekers take note! MICROSOFT EXCEL IS THE most widely used spreadsheet application in modern computing. That…

8 years ago

Explaining Why Excel’s Pivot Tables are So Mighty!

No amount of data is too big for Excel's pivot tables WE'VE RECENTLY BEEN UPDATING the content for our Excel…

8 years ago

Using Excel for Client Databases

Excel does great CRM MICROSOFT EXCEL IS THE most widely-used spreadsheet application in modern computing. It’s ubiquity means most people use…

8 years ago

Self Managing Your Superannuation in Excel

Skipping super can be a thing of the past WHEN YOU'RE SELF EMPLOYED you are responsible for managing your taxes and…

8 years ago

How to Create a Cash Flow Forecast in Xero (and Excel)

Why cash flow is a better indicator than profit Don't overestimate how much money you'll have to spend on a…

8 years ago