Excel training

Household Budget using Microsoft Excel Course: Track Interest Rates, Expenses & Income

A household budget can keep you sane in times when major expenses are fluctuating. It is a requirement if you…

2 years ago

Learn Microsoft Excel Beginners to Advanced for $1

It seems that we Aussies always get on the retail marketing bandwagon so here we go! For a limited time…

5 years ago

EXCEL: Other Data Sources You Can Use to Create a Pivot Table

The latest versions of Excel are jam-packed with new features! WE'RE ALWAYS UPDATING OUR Excel training courses, and as we do so,…

8 years ago

Using Excel for Client Databases

Excel does great CRM MICROSOFT EXCEL IS THE most widely-used spreadsheet application in modern computing. It’s ubiquity means most people use…

8 years ago

What’s New in MS Office 2013? Here’s a Quick List

At EzyLearn we offer online training courses for MYOB — the #1 Cloud-accounting software — but did you know we also offer…

12 years ago

Will the Self-Education Cap Deter You from Further Study?

For a country that has long considered itself the “clever nation” — the land responsible for the cochlear implant, the…

12 years ago

MYOB Training: Exporting MYOB Data for an Excel Mail Merge

We recently created 9 new training videos for our online MYOB training course and one of them demonstrated how to…

14 years ago

FREE Computer Software Training online for your community group

Computer software training is now available online for free. The video, training workbooks and exercises are created by Steve Slisar…

17 years ago