Rescue Bookkeeping

If you accounts are 3 months behind that is a full BAS period and a good time to look at rescue bookkeeping.

The reasons to be behind this much are normally caused by not having a procedures manual or regular process in place or not having the skills to either perform:

  • Data entry of daily transactions
  • End of month bank reconciliation

Here are some articles to help you recognise when a business needs rescuing.

FREE Training Courses for Career Builders

Are you enrolling into an MYOB or Xero Bookkeeping Course or Microsoft Office Course and are currently employed? You'll get…

2 years ago

Bookkeeper Communications During Rescue Work

I'VE WRITTEN BEFORE about how you can diagnose whether your business needs rescue bookkeeping and what happens during rescue work.…

7 years ago

Do You Need a Bookkeeper, Accountant or Finance Manager to Run Your Bookkeeping?

IT'S VERY POSSIBLE THAT at the end of financial year, you discovered your accounts needed a bit of rescue bookkeeping.…

7 years ago

Catch Up or You’ll Need Rescue Bookkeeping

Is the approach of the end of the third quarter stressing you out? IF THE NEED to lodge another Business…

7 years ago

What Happens if You Have Backlog of PAYG and Super Payments?

Don't get lumped with penalties when you don't need to! A LOT OF SMALL BUSINESSES have trouble managing their payroll, especially…

8 years ago