Website Design

There’s So Much Cool Stuff You Can Do With PowerPoint

PowerPoint: The Great Visual Aid to What You're Saying Many people don't realise what an excellent design tool PowerPoint is. It…

8 years ago

You’ve Already Got a Business Coach – YOU!

Ever since EzyLearn’s early days, when we still had our training centres in Sydney, I’ve always gained a real buzz out…

11 years ago

Pricing: Are You Being a Con Artist Without Knowing It?

A short while back we wrote a post about why your final price should include GST, and just recently we…

11 years ago

Be Loved by Google: Use WordPress!

Although our flagship training course is our online MYOB training course, EzyLearn also offers a number of other training courses,…

11 years ago

Is a website more important than your shop or warehouse?

I've recently attended some business building and networking events and have been fascinated at the number of people who speak…

13 years ago

Fantastic WordPress website template themes

Deciding on which way to go for your website? Want something easy to use yet professional looking. The great thing…

15 years ago

Getting social with your website

You can now just write your blog post and have it show up as a tweet in your twitter accounts…

15 years ago

Website and marketing campaign up and running in one day

With all the right information (content) and systems in place, you can setup a website, optimise it for search engines…

15 years ago

A/B testing for 123ezy websites

How do you know what to put on your websites home page? Do people respond better to an image of…

15 years ago

Use social bookmarking and email referrals to make yourself popular

Do you have a website? Want visitors to tell their friends about it? Social Bookmarking is the new way of…

16 years ago

Google Customised Search Engine for your own 123ezy website

Creating a customised search engine for your own website is simple with 123ezy websites and Google. The special script made…

17 years ago