Our MYOB courses have been popular because bookkeeping skills enable mums to work their own hours and earn a good hourly rate. The bookkeeping industry is also evolving to the point where the Internet and cloud accounting is enabling bookkeeping as a virtual service that mums can perform at home!
I’ve always disliked the term virtual assistant (or VA) because it makes you think that VA’s aren’t real that they are virtual. I was speaking with an HR consultant from the UK and he told me that in Europe they use the term remote worker or remote contractor which I think it much more relevant because it’s more accurate. The Australian government appears to have adopted the term Teleworking and they’ve assembled a website to explain how it works and encourage this type of work in Australia.
One of the best parts of working from home is that you can get more done (if you have a good working environment and dedication to the task), it saves on traffic and it empowers more individuals to control their own destiny!
Not every students needs a Cert IV in Bookkeeping and most business admin and accounts…
This Xero course is the most popular with job seekers and business owners because it…
Feel like you need a little something extra? Have you reviewed your life in 2024…
What most readers where interested in this year. There are a couple trends which seemed…
Jerry Lame is a serial entrepreneur and loves shiny new objects. He was a corporate…
Have you ever been in that situation? There's lots going on and you have a…