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Want Help Building Your MYOB Business? Here’s a List of Main Priorities

It’s all too easy to be distracted but if you do you’ll work harder and longer with less results.

As part of the Lifetime membership when you do an EzyLearn MYOB training course, you get ongoing access to the content we are constantly updating to reflect the ever-changing bookkeeping industry.

If you’re one of the many bookkeepers who have started your own business after completing our online MYOB course or perhaps you’re thinking of starting your own business, then today’s post is here to say loud and clear — don’t waste time on things that don’t matter!

As part of our range of courses, EzyLearn is now offering a small business management course which will give you the skills you need to start your own business. It will also teach you how best to spend your time by doing tasks that result in profits, rather than getting distracted by things that don’t matter. (It’s a little frightening just how many business owners do, though!)

Classic Time Wasting

We’re all guilty of it: logging into Facebook to post a quick update and spending an hour watching cat videos. Wasting half a day trying to create the perfect flyer/postcard/ logo/webpage/cover image/thinga-ma-jig when you should have outsourced it or settled on version #5. Taking a week to make a decision because you “need” to have all of the facts.

Here’s the thing. Wasting time may seem innocent enough. But it is destroying your business. It is causing you to work too hard and too long. It is causing you stress and making you feel unproductive.


If sales and marketing are what you do when you have time or when you get around to it, then you will never have the business you want.


The List of Main Priorities

Your main priorities should be (in order of importance):

1. Servicing current clients.

2. Having a sales conversation with hot prospects.

3. Cultivating warm prospects.

4. Identifying leads and getting referrals.

5. Marketing your business with social media and other tools.

6. If you have a website, creating content that people want to read.

7. Creating new products (that is, solutions) to service your client’s needs.

8. Everything else.


There’s no better time to start than right now (a tad cliched, but true). Spend the first hour of today only working on things that will get you more clients. That’s it. Nothing else. Only tasks that will grow your business. See how that feels. You’ll find it feels a whole lot easier doing the same thing tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that. Learn to always prioritise and you’ll really start growing your MYOB or small business.



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