Finally, after 23 years we’re making our training manuals available for sale! Not the ones we created 23 years ago but our latest versions of course.
Training manuals are an important learning tool for our courses because they contain the step-by-step exercises that the course is based around. Our first release of training manuals covers credit management, accounts receivable, accounts payable, data entry of quotes, invoices, purchases and payments – all the things that most businesses need.
Purchase yours now and download them instantly.
There are two things that infuriate me in some training manuals:
Instructions on how to perform a certain task are the EASIEST videos anyone can create and they’re not worth much ( you can get them free online!). What IS valuable is a series of exercises that require you to perform data entry tasks using the software.
You’ll go through many different scenarios including part payments, over payments, fixing errors and reporting on your credit situation.
These accounting training course workbooks are available here for a discounted price.
Get your free training course samples here.
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