Steve Slisar

Why You Should Be Connected To the National Broadband Network

Where do you live? If you live on the east coast of Australia, there’s a good chance the National Broadband…

12 years ago

Starting A New Business? What Tools Do You Need to Succeed?

It’s often said that the majority of new businesses fail in the first year. Some people even go as far…

12 years ago

What Do You Need To Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business?

Starting a Bookkeeping Business is Low Risk If you're already employed as a bookkeeper or have graduated from our MYOB…

12 years ago

The Marketing Lessons All Small Businesses Can Learn From Big Businesses

We regularly receive tips from the academic board of our small business management course and they've recently shared something about…

12 years ago

Teleworking – How Does It Affect Your Work-Life Balance?

We are constantly refreshing the content of our MYOB training course so that you can benefit from all the new…

12 years ago

Do you stand out when looking for work?

It's that time of year when people are turning their new years resolutions into action and we've noticed a massive…

12 years ago

MYOB course students have already achieved their 2013 resolutions

When we closed our last Sydney training centre in 2006 and put all of our MYOB course content online it…

12 years ago

Teleworking – how does it benefit you?

Teleworking from home While Australians have had the ability to telework by using laptops, tablet devices, and smartphones, to connect…

12 years ago

How Do You Earn $80 Per Hour as a MYOB Bookkeeper?

How much can you earn as a MYOB Bookkeeper? FOR ANYBODY WHO DECIDES to be self-employed and own their own…

12 years ago

Does Google compete with MYOB in cloud accounting?

I was recently speaking with a professional journalist who told me she uses ZoHo for her accounting. Luckily I am…

12 years ago

Join the Google Petition to keep the Internet free

Everything we do in our business to help people find work, start a business or become more productive using our…

12 years ago

I was scared of social media

I recently featured Robert Crane from CIAOPS with his advice to small businesses regarding Linkedin ( I hope I didn't…

12 years ago

Are you a website designer who needs a bookkeeper?

If you are familiar with our online MYOB courses you'd know that each course includes at least one training workbook…

12 years ago