Steve Slisar

Touch a spiders legs with Flash

Sounds scary doesn't it? If you are terrified of hairy spiders this is not a website for you, but if…

16 years ago

MYOB training course from $39

Why would you travel to a training centre, spend a day of your time and cram the information into your…

16 years ago

Use social bookmarking and email referrals to make yourself popular

Do you have a website? Want visitors to tell their friends about it? Social Bookmarking is the new way of…

16 years ago

How the Apple iPhone converted me to Macs

I thought it was time to write some general interest news. Having used Windows computers for the last 20 years,…

16 years ago

How word spreads like wildfire on the net

These days if there is a good product on the internet the news spreads like wildfire, but why? How is…

17 years ago

$30 per year is a great number for your telephone

The days of paying Telstra (or even Optus) charging exorbitant amounts per month for line rental and high call costs…

17 years ago

Want to be a ‘B’ keeper

Why did we single out the letter B? Well, because it is a combination of Business and book (as in…

17 years ago

Sketch your own website banner

Want to have better looking graphics on your website? Now you can do it yourself with a great website that…

17 years ago

Create your own flash intros for free online

Here is another example of everything becoming free online. I've just discovered a website where you can create your own…

17 years ago

Specific is terrific for your website and online marketing

Many website owners believe that they can create content and plonk it anywhere on their website and they'll be inundated…

17 years ago

Landing Pages to focus your website

A landing page is a web page that contains specific information on it that will appeal to website visitors who are…

17 years ago

Sell in the US – no warehousing or shipping

Have you heard about "Drop Shipping"? It is used to describe the process of YOU selling a product without having…

17 years ago

Want to use bigger words in your letters and correspondence?

Have you ever wondered how people get to know about new big words? These big words are almost like a…

17 years ago

Auctions! Exciting? Ebay – everyone’s pouncing at it

In the Neanderthal period of the Internet, when everything 'internet related' was worth 50 times it's commercial value, no one…

17 years ago

Who wants to create their own movies?

Movies are something that you may not have thought about creating for yourself. I mean, why would you? Who's going…

17 years ago

How do you sell your household stuff “online today”?

The reason for the question is that our Dee Why office is closing and we have a whole bunch of…

17 years ago