Work from home

The only way that most people can find work at home is either in very specific tasks like creating products, folding flyers and inserting them into envelopes etc or they involve working on the telephone or via the internet, mostly via the internet.

Internet or cloud-based programs enable people to log into a system from anywhere and perform tasks which can be measured by the manager, boss or owner. These days these tasks can involve

  • MS Office skills like creating documents, spreadsheets, reports and proposals
  • Bookkeeping jobs like quoting, invoicing, receipts (accounts receivable) purchases, payments (accounts payable), credit management, bank reconciliation
  • Marketing jobs like blog writing, blog editing and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), digital marketing and social media marketing

How to earn $50 per hour

Are you earning $50 per hour at the moment? If you aren't it can seem almost impossible to believe that…

12 months ago

Business Office Administration Training to find Remote Work

I recently wrote about the Internship opportunities for selected business and office administration training courses - this work can all…

1 year ago

Welcome to Bookkeeping Academy Member: Gina Diprose

I wrote about the Bookkeeping Academy membership a couple weeks ago and how it's our aim to help our students…

2 years ago

FREE Training Courses for Career Builders

Are you enrolling into an MYOB or Xero Bookkeeping Course or Microsoft Office Course and are currently employed? You'll get…

2 years ago

Xero Sacks 800 Staff, Highlights Hiring International Workers & Improves Button

It certainly is an interesting time we're going through financially. Most of us (around the world) are hurting because of…

2 years ago

Reduce Debt, Cut Expenses, Up-Skill, Increase Income

Are these the words going through your head right now? Probably the topic of lots of conversations too with all…

2 years ago

You Don’t Need a Cert IV in Bookkeeping & Accounting to be a Contract Bookkeeper

Starting a bookkeeping business has been a go to option for many mums returning to the workforce, particularly if they…

2 years ago

R U Spending Too Much Time Alone?

Many new students learnt how to use online accounting software like Xero and MYOB Business Essentials during the Covid Period…

2 years ago

Pandemic Digitalised Small Businesses more than NBN, Xero Report Reveals Numbers?

The pandemic has seen huge changes to the way businesses run, with Zoom meetings and remote working becoming the new…

3 years ago

Our Students Have Been Talking – Here’s What They Have to Say

EzyLearn Worklife is a new initiative we’ve started this year, and it’s already proven to be a success! We set…

3 years ago