Find a good bookkeeper

Do You Need a Bookkeeper or an Accountant? Or Someone Else?

There are many finance professionals — who does your business need? Does your business need a bookkeeper, accountant or perhaps just…

8 months ago

How To Get Discovered By Local Employers

For small businesses bookkeeping isn't a full time job. It's often something done by the owner themselves or their partner…

1 year ago

What Do Employers Want From Bookkeeping Job Sites?

THE ULTIMATE GOAL of a job site (and they are not all created equal!) is to deliver the highest volume…

6 years ago

The Best Job Sites for Accounting & Bookkeeping Jobs

JOB SITES ARE IN ABUNDANCE in Australia. The market leader is Seek, which controls 85 percent of the online recruitment…

6 years ago

Bookkeeper Communications During Rescue Work

I'VE WRITTEN BEFORE about how you can diagnose whether your business needs rescue bookkeeping and what happens during rescue work.…

6 years ago

Bookkeepers Need to Know All Cloud-Accounting Systems

GONE ARE THE DAYS when a bookkeeper only needed to know their way around MYOB. Since the internet democratised the…

6 years ago

Xero, MYOB, ERPs and Supply Chain Tools

ERPs, or Enterprise Reporting Planning systems, are divided into three categories or tiers. Xero, MYOB, QuickBooks and other cloud accounting…

6 years ago

Do You Need a Bookkeeper, Accountant or Finance Manager to Run Your Bookkeeping?

IT'S VERY POSSIBLE THAT at the end of financial year, you discovered your accounts needed a bit of rescue bookkeeping.…

6 years ago

When Does Practice Ignition Make Financial Sense for a Bookkeeper or Tax Agent?

THE ACCOUNTING SPACE is currently dominated by systems that make it easy for small businesses — a builder or tradesperson,…

6 years ago

Are Online Payments using PayPal and Stripe Right for Your Business Cashflow?

Getting paid seamlessly, online Lack of cashflow in a business is still the chief cause of insolvency - which is…

7 years ago