Blogging for Business

STRONG LANGUAGE WARNING: I hate Telstra Online EssentialsSTRONG LANGUAGE WARNING: I hate Telstra Online Essentials

STRONG LANGUAGE WARNING: I hate Telstra Online Essentials

I hope I didn't sound rude, but if you've read these blog posts you'd know I love playing around with…

5 years ago
Is Business Quiet? Need More Money/Sales? Use a Database!Is Business Quiet? Need More Money/Sales? Use a Database!

Is Business Quiet? Need More Money/Sales? Use a Database!

When I started my first business in Sydney's Dee Why in the early 1990's, I was amazed that most restaurants…

6 years ago
How Long Does it Take to Write a Blog Post?How Long Does it Take to Write a Blog Post?

How Long Does it Take to Write a Blog Post?

THE TRUTH IS, writing a blog post takes time. If it were the case of just writing some sentences, it wouldn't…

6 years ago
Get Discovered on Google for FREE – and Increase Traffic 100%Get Discovered on Google for FREE – and Increase Traffic 100%

Get Discovered on Google for FREE – and Increase Traffic 100%

MANY YEARS AGO I spent $100,000 in advertising in one year. But I didn't make truckloads of money and became…

6 years ago
How Aussie Mums are Starting their Own BusinessesHow Aussie Mums are Starting their Own Businesses

How Aussie Mums are Starting their Own Businesses

THERE IS A FAIRLY SIGNIFICANT gender imbalance for executive positions in the corporate world. Sure, there are notable exceptions, but…

7 years ago

Use Facebook Ads to Stay Front of Mind With People Who Already Know You

Don't miss a golden opportunity to build brand awareness! I RECENTLY SPOKE WITH a few different Novocastrian real estate agents…

7 years ago

Expensify, Xero and Your Retail Shop

Record retail inventory quickly IN A PREVIOUS POST we discussed how Expensify, an app which you can link to your Xero…

8 years ago

Video: Receive an Automatically Discounted Price for Online Course Enrolments!

Specials and Summer Training It's Christmas time and we'll be open every day (except the public holidays) which means you can…

8 years ago
Are You a Bookkeeper Who Needs More Clients? Want My Advice?Are You a Bookkeeper Who Needs More Clients? Want My Advice?

Are You a Bookkeeper Who Needs More Clients? Want My Advice?

FINDING PROSPECTS AND converting them into clients involves selling and most of us hate doing it, but wait... For those…

8 years ago

The New Year’s Approaching: Think About New Content Marketing for Your Business

The Value of Content Marketing The beginning of a new year, which is typically the quietest as people take a…

8 years ago