Cloud Accounting

Cloud accounting programs like MYOB AccountRight Live, Xero, Freshbooks, Reach Accounting and Quickbooks

Mentor Education: Company Wound Up, but… Too Big to Fail? EzyLearn’s OFFER

If you've been following what has happened with Mentor Education you probably also have a strong interest in the integrity…

1 year ago

NEW “Bookkeeping Basics” Training Course Covers Beginner Level Xero, MYOB & QuickBooks Online

Bookkeeping is an essential part of business, not just to keep track of financial activities for the business’ sake, but…

3 years ago

Pandemic Digitalised Small Businesses more than NBN, Xero Report Reveals Numbers?

The pandemic has seen huge changes to the way businesses run, with Zoom meetings and remote working becoming the new…

3 years ago

MYOB Business is AccountRight & Essentials but can it catch up to Xero?

MYOB has fallen behind in recent years to other accounting software like Xero.  With Xero’s cloud accounting-first strategy, it’s become…

3 years ago

Why is Xero’s Share Price Plummeting?

Xero is one of the leading accounting software for small businesses with more than 700,000 Aussie customers – it’s no…

3 years ago

Xero My Payroll App Training Now Included in Xero Payroll Administration Course

If you or your employer uses Xero to manage payroll, then EzyLearn has you covered with our Xero Payroll Administration…

3 years ago

Will This Xero Integration Replace Your Accounting Job or Just Lessen the Load?

With so many integrations, Xero has become a leading software for small business accounting.  From ecommerce add-ons to payroll and…

3 years ago

Xero vs GoDaddy Website Hosting Company Accounting Software? Attn: New Minimum Viable Website Service

When you look at the two companies Xero Accounting and GoDaddy hosting companies are very similar. They both provide cloud-based…

3 years ago

Planday or Plan a Week – Rostering, Attendance and Annual Leave – Xero or not? Attn: New Workforce Management Case Study in Production

Xero is well known for purchasing apps which integrate with it and provide vertical integration. The best known acquisition in…

4 years ago

Behind in your ATO Payroll requirements for STP (Single Touch Payroll)

One reason I love online training and how it offers exceptional value for students who are looking for work as…

5 years ago