customer service

Customer Service: Important Skills for Data Entry, Office Support and Accounts Jobs

Customer service is an expectation that has changed massively over the last 5 decades and technology is a big influence…

5 years ago

Data Entry and Microsoft Office Skills: Important for NSW Police Call Centre Work and Virtual Assistants

I was speaking with someone who recently applied for call centre work for NSW Police and they were surprised at…

5 years ago

Don’t Wing It With Customer Service – Plan It

Great customer service doesn't just happen. HOW TO PROVIDE REALLY exceptional customer service is just one of the modules covered…

7 years ago

Thanks For Loving Us

In a recent post we talked about how you can use referral marketing and LinkedIn to market your business to grow…

11 years ago

Do You Really Need to Be Nice in Business?

In our Small Business Management Course, you learn all about starting and managing a small business. One thing we don’t…

11 years ago