data entry

Customer Service: Important Skills for Data Entry, Office Support and Accounts Jobs

Customer service is an expectation that has changed massively over the last 5 decades and technology is a big influence…

5 years ago

Data Entry and Microsoft Office Skills: Important for NSW Police Call Centre Work and Virtual Assistants

I was speaking with someone who recently applied for call centre work for NSW Police and they were surprised at…

5 years ago

Xero going up a pesky $2 rather than $27.50

It almost seemed like Xero was giving you $27.50 of extra value when they announced their $2 per month increase…

5 years ago

Master the data entry job skills. Get some free training too

Looking through Seek for data entry jobs yesterday reminded me of the training courses we offered when we operated our…

6 years ago

Accounts Receivable & Payable Courses, FREE sample

Are you chasing money? If so, you'll probably know the hard way that credit management is about chasing money owed…

6 years ago

Receipt Scanning, Automatic Coding – Boon for Bookkeepers or Job Killer?

DO YOU GET frustrated when you see the little box at the bottom of the BAS lodgement form? You know,…

6 years ago

SPECIAL OFFER: MYOB, Xero & QuickBooks Online Courses ALL for One Low Price

The Internet has spawned several cloud accounting software program all over the world including: (more…)

7 years ago

Setting Up Automatic Bank Feeds In Xero

In our last post we talked about the developments that have occurred over the last few years in the accounting software…

11 years ago

What is BankLink and Why are So Many Accountants Using It?

As we have freshly rolled out our new Reach Accounting course, as well as our new Xero Accounting course — in…

11 years ago