
It’s official. Digital marketing now part of office administration job description

Scroll through the job ads on Seek for accounting and office admin jobs and you'll see the usual skill requirements.…

5 years ago

STRONG LANGUAGE WARNING: I hate Telstra Online Essentials

I hope I didn't sound rude, but if you've read these blog posts you'd know I love playing around with…

5 years ago

Why Collecting Your Client’s Email Address is So Powerful

While I was getting my hair cut the other day, I casually asked the hairdresser how her business was doing.…

6 years ago

Is Business Quiet? Need More Money/Sales? Use a Database!

When I started my first business in Sydney's Dee Why in the early 1990's, I was amazed that most restaurants…

6 years ago

Using PowerPoint to Convey Your Business ‘Culture’

WHS training and staff inductions using PowerPoint POWERPOINT IS AN EXCELLENT way to show prospects your sales process or how your…

8 years ago

There’s So Much Cool Stuff You Can Do With PowerPoint

PowerPoint: The Great Visual Aid to What You're Saying Many people don't realise what an excellent design tool PowerPoint is. It…

8 years ago

So You Think You Can Be an Entrepreneur?

In running our Small Business Management Course and MYOB Training Courses, one of most common reasons we find that people…

11 years ago

Are you a website designer who needs a bookkeeper?

If you are familiar with our online MYOB courses you'd know that each course includes at least one training workbook…

12 years ago

MYOB Bookkeeping Case Study: A telephone system supplier and installer

We were reviewing the course outline for the MYOB Day-to-Day Transactions course because it covers most of the topics that…

13 years ago