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Xero Training Course Workbooks from under $35

Certificate in Xero Course for Beginners Training Manuals are available cheaply - Learn Bookkeeping Online - EzyLearn

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About a year ago from Steve Slisar's Twitter via Mailchimp

If your finances are under pressure and you need to learn Xero then our current Special Offer should make you happy.

We offer FREE training sample materials for Xero and MYOB as well as Microsoft Office and buying a course manual is a smart way to learn without spending too much money.

Advanced Certificate in BAS and Financial Reporting Training Course - introduction to Payroll using Xero Workbook

I realise that new students are nervous about which training company to enrol with so many claims being made about accreditation and work guarantees and that they are the best (which is called puffery believe it or not).

I also realise that some training companies think that a handful of videos makes a course – if that were true you could get a degree watching YouTube videos!


Following a step-by-step training program where you actually use the software is the best way to learn and RETAIN knowledge about bookkeeping and office admin tasks.

Using case studies that are based on real world scenarios is even better – those skills are transferrable to the workplace when you get the job you want.

Better still, these case studies are based around tasks that are essential knowledge in accounts and office admin jobs.

So if you want to learn how to use Xero and Microsoft Excel buy and download one of our course manuals and supporting files and get learning today cheaply.

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