EzyLearn Career Academy Job Getter

$199.00 / month for 6 months and a $395.00 sign-up fee

Join EzyLearn’s Career Academy Job Getter program for:

  • Refine and define the jobs you are looking for
  • Skills to improve your resume and cover letter
  • Support for interviews and correspondence with potential employers
  • Microsoft Word Training and Support
  • LinkedIn Training and Support
  • Max 6 months, then free if we can’t get you a job



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About 2 years ago from Steve Slisar's Twitter via Mailchimp

The process of searching, shortlisting, applying and interviewing is stressful and daunting. Every step of the way you assess your working life, what you’ve done and what you think you are worth, only to be thrown in with dozens of other applicants who are keen to get the same job.

If you’ve applied for a couple jobs and haven’t progressed to the interview stage and you’re not sure what is going wrong we can help. If there is a weakness in your knowledge, skills or experience we will see if there is something we can do to help.

For the joining fee we’ll review some of your applications from job ad to end result and as long as you are a member our team will do everything they can to help you find, apply for and get a job that suits you.

Make sure to see if the course you’ve enrolled into give you access to this service.


[schema type=”product” url=”https://ezylearn.com.au/product/ezylearn-tutor/” name=”Career Academy: Job Application Review” description=”Looking for work is not something you do all the time. We’ll make sure you’re looking for and finding jobs which suit you and then help you get them!” brand=”EzyLearn” manfu=”EzyLearn” model=”Career Academy Job Getter” price=”$395.00″ condition=”New” ]

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