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Are you currently seeking work? Are you studying and planning your career but not actively looking?
Looking for a job is similar to selling a house – it’s a big deal, it affects you financially and you don’t do it that often. It’s certainly different to running a business where you are always looking for clients!
There are many more ways of finding work online these days and it is changing how people find work.
Seek has been a leader in the job advertisement market for a long time now and it remains compelling for businesses because it’s not a lot of money to promote the job to millions of job seekers. Seek is a job board and that means it is focussed around this process:
- Advertiser write up a job description of tasks they want the new employee to do
- Advertiser adds extra tasks that require skills the previous employee had to broaden the value they get (not everyone but lots of small businesses)
- Ad is published and visible for job seekers who are searching for jobs
- Alerts are sent to jobseekers based on their ideal job criteria
- Jobseeker customises resume for the role
- Jobseeker write a personalised Cover letter for each position they apply for
- Jobseeker waits
- Advertiser filters all applications to reduce the number that they have to spend a lot of time on
- Advertiser narrows the applicants to the ones they want to take to the next stage
- Job applications are filtered down to a short list for reviewing by other managers
- Offers are made and packages negotiated (if applicable)
- Jobseeker goes from Applicant to new employee
- Onboarding process begins
When do you hear back?
From the jobseekers perspective you only want to hear good news – that you are progressing towards the pointy end of the hiring funnel but sadly most people receive rejection messages to let them know they haven’t made it to the short list.
Given how “Online” we’ve all become we’re interested to know where you will first start looking to find your next job. Results will be shared with participants.
We’re exploring the wide number of Application Tracking Systems (ATS’s) available to help employers receive job applications and filter applicants.
We’re particularly trying to understand how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning play a role in the filtering process and how that affects jobseeker applications.
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