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How do you make learning bookkeeping fun? With Jerry Lame!

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Learning anything new is a challenge and students approach it in different ways. Some of the things you learn in bookkeeping are very dry and it might be like that in the workplace too! I always find it better to try and have some fun when you’re learning something new and I’ve created a bunch of characters to help in the process.

As a course creator we have flexibility over the topics we cover and I like to use real life experiences that I have gone through myself or learnt about from work colleagues and friends. Here are some examples..

Jerry is my favourite

Jerry profile startup course and social media marketing for small business entrepreneur

Jerry is mentioned in many of our case studies as the ex-corporate guy who has always wanted to start his own business and jumps into various enterprises.

Jerry is a male in his 40’s, currently working as a sales agent for a local asbestos removal company, earning a commission for helping the company make sales.

In this role, he works as an independent contractor, invoicing the asbestos removal company at the end of the month.

Learn more about Jerry

Because of the work he does, Jerry meets with lots of homeowners (and business owners too) who are renovating their home in preparation to put it on the market for sale or rent out.

He loves meeting and talking to people and bookkeeping and office administration is not something that he spends too much time on.

Jerry is like a lot of small business owners who are attracted to shiney objects. He works on one project for a while and then spots an opportunity that he thinks will do very well. As a result his books are a mess and he doesn’t always make the best financial decisions for the business.

Advanced Xero Certificate Course is my favourite


Xero is a powerful accounting program that very popular with bookkeepers and business owners alike. Jerry uses Xero to help manage his sales agency business and you’ll learn how to take some messy numbers and turn them into something that any business owner can understand.

I like the Advanced Certificate in Xero course because it includes a variety of different transactions which cover

  • credit risk,
  • daily transactions,
  • bank reconciliation,
  • asset purchases,
  • depreciation and more.

There are 4 Xero courses in the Advanced Certificate course BUNDLE and if you are learning Xero for the first time you might also consider the 3 Xero beginners courses which combined with the Xero Advanced BUNDLE are called Xero COMPLETE Training Course package.

Come along on a learning journey and learn about office administration and bookkeeping to help Jerry run a better business and make better decisions. This might be the must fun you ever have doing bookkeeping.

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1 thought on “How do you make learning bookkeeping fun? With Jerry Lame!

  1. […] Xero subjects. The Xero Cash Flow course sums up a full half year or financial transactions using Jerry Lame as our messy business owner case study. Jerry makes all sorts of transactions including buying […]

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