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Specific is terrific for your website and online marketing

Many website owners believe that they can create content and plonk it anywhere on their website and they’ll be inundated with emails and calls. They are missing the fundamental fact that people who are browsing the internet have potential 10-30 other website to visit until they find the one that they think is the best.

Here’s a couple examples of the goals I have for some of my websites.

  1. Get website visitors off your home page (otherwise they’ll bounce)
  2. Get people to take a short tour of what you can do for them (using images and maybe audio)
  3. Give people a reason to interact with your website (like a free sample or information report)
  4. Know the website goal and how to measure it (eg. the number of people visiting the website compared to the number of people who actually get to your Contact/subscription/ordering page etc).

Some fantastic news for you is that Google has all the tools to help you attract website visitors, funnel them to goal pages and measure your success. Advertising with Google costs you money, but most of the other tools are completely free (like Google website optimiser and analytics).

A great aspect about Google Adwords is that although it costs you money, you actually attract very specific potential customers to your website, customers who have typed in very specific search words and/or phrases. Better still you only pay for actual clicks to your website and not the people who just see your add.

So remember that when you promote yourself online you are looking for people who want something very specific so you need to find them and then funnel them to your own specific goals for them.

If you need some help please call me on 0413 007 481 or email

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Landing Pages to focus your website

A landing page is a web page that contains specific information on it that will appeal to website visitors who are looking for something specific.

For example, if I send an email newsletter which promotes Microsoft Excel Training and I insert a link to my home page (eg: then people who click on and follow the link from the newsletter may be a little disappointed. Why? Because they were expecting to find information about Microsoft Excel Training but now need to navigate around my website to find the information.

So, I create special “landing pages” that cover a specific topic and when a website visitor gets to the page they are pleasantly surprised because they see all the information they were searching for. This is an example of a landing page: .

You could put special links on your landing page that “funnel” website visitors to exactly where you want them to go and thus acheiving your website goals. Notice that the URL of the above “landing page” contains keywords that are used to search for the service offered? This is one aspect of Search Engine Optimisation and makes your website attractive and “Relevant” to Search Engines.

After creating some specific landing pages I can create ads on Google Adwords, Microsofts adCentre or promote these ‘landing pages’ in email marketing campaigns so that when people click on them, they get a very specific response and are funnelled to the webpage that you want them to get to.

Creating these pages is possible using the 123ezy website builder and I have used this technique to successfully attract thousands of people to my websites and online services. If you need some help with your website design or Internet marketing, please contact me in Australia on 0413 007 481 or email me at

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Who wants to create their own movies?

Movies are something that you may not have thought about creating for yourself. I mean, why would you? Who’s going to see them anyway?

I helped a client create a movie from their last ski trip only last week and it tooks us less than 4 hours from the client not knowing anything about Microsoft Movie Maker. Not only did we create the movie, but we shortened selected video clips, created transitions between clips, muted the audio from the video clips and even put two sound tracks going in the background to add a real ‘feel’ to the movie.

When I say video clips, these are snippets of video that we get from a video camera (and let’s face it, a normal digital camera is also a video camera these days) and combine in an order that we choose and re-arrange if needed.

Finally we converted the video into a movie file format (just a  couple clicks) and before you know it, the movie is ready not only to burn to a CD, but also to easily publish to YouTube for the whole world to see your creation (if you want them to). Thought I’d just throw in a small comment here … more and more businesses are creating their own video/movie style ads and placing them on YouTube to build awareness and it’s easier to do than you think..

Let me know if creating a movie is something that you’d like to learn more about?

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New Domain name transfer policy

The auDA, the organisation that managers Australian domain names, announced on Monday, 14th April a relaxing in the rules to transfer domain names from one licence holder to another for any reason.

There are still some restrictions, particularly designed to protect companies and individuals who own trademarks from domain name hoarders who buy them for the sole purpose of selling them to make a profit.

For more information follow this link:

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Steve Slisar builds local online learning community

Today (11th April 2008) EzyLearn Pty Ltd director, Steve Slisar, launched the companys’ first “Community” website for Sydney’s Northern Beaches where the company began teaching people how to start using their computers in 1999.

“With websites like MySpace and Facebook, ‘Social Networking’ is what all the talk is about these days. It’s how real people can collaborate with other real people in a fun and interactive way on the Internet and it’s part of what they call Web 2.0” says Steve Slisar. “I’m excited to see how our customers take to this new technology… seeing that many of them are beginners and have only recently used computer for the first time”.

EzyLearn’s launch today of the Social Networking site also means that they are able to provide a very similar service via their 123ezy website business to website clients.

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Google Customised Search Engine for your own 123ezy website

Creating a customised search engine for your own website is simple with 123ezy websites and Google. The special script made available by Google is called “Customised Search Engine” and you can put a search box on your own site that only searches your “own” site (or couple sites if you have a couple).

Take a look at how it works…. Visit and you’ll notice the Search Box at the top of each page (in the page header). Type some text in this box, something like “Email Newsletter” and then press Enter (or click the search button) and you’ll be taken to a different page in your website that shows the search results. Ads do appear in the search results, but you can pay Google $100 per year and they will no longer appear if you really don’t want to see your competitors ads appearing.

The best part of it is that this facility is provided free by Google and the 123ezy website allows you to accomodate the code easily and quickly. Notice that it also takes people to other pages within your website and allows them to search for any text that they want to…

If you want to get a little fancy, you can actually link this search to your Google Adsense account and make money every time someone clicks on one of your competitors advertisements. But we’ll talk about that another time…

Finally, you may have noticed that when you entered the search string and pressed Enter, that search results appeared from several different websites. This is because we asked Google to search all the websites that work with EzyLearn, including Maxis Solutions in Chatswood and Steve Slisar in the Northern Beaches of Sydney.

If you want some helps setting Google Customised Search Engine on your website, please feel free to call EzyLearn on 1300 888 869 or send an email to

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Submitting your website to Yahoo

Yahoo is one of the most popular websites in the world and much of the success for their statistical ranking is how they manage and arrange their website. Here is a great link that shows you how successful a website domain name is:, you may want to see how successful your website is using this great resource.

If you want to submit your website to Yahoo for “indexing” then this is the URL you need: There are several other options that Yahoo have and the rest of the options need to be paid for. Here is the link that shows you most of the other options. It also shows prices: there are several search options and you may want to take a look and see which options suits your goals and your budget.

Happy listing on Yahoo.

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EzyLearn has created a new Training Workbook on WordPress Blogging software

WordPress, the hugely popular and very powerful blogging software script (program), has been available on the 123ezy website hosting system since it began in 2004, but EzyLearn has now written a training workbook on how to simply install and use WordPress to benefit your own business website.

“WordPress has some fantastic features that make it a must to use with your website. Everytime something new happens in your business promote it via your blog and potentially hundreds of blog directories will pick up the information… great for your internet marketing” says Steve Slisar, director of EzyLearn Pty Ltd.

Click Here to go to the Online Computer Training website and access the Workbook for free.