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About 2 years ago from Steve Slisar's Twitter via Mailchimp

I’d like to introduce you to Frankie. She has been working with EzyLearn in an admin capacity and she going through some of our training material and writing a little bit about each video so that we can showcase what we have.

Every week we are getting fantastic feedback about our online courses and we’ll share some of them with you. Remember if you haven’t tried online learning, our courses come with a money-back guarantee and LIFETIME membership.

We’ll be releasing some of our MYOB Setup videos to help you setup your own MYOB Accounting company and data file. The videos we’re releasing are part of the training videos that are included in our online MYOB Training Course.

Remember that our Online MYOB Training Course contains over 120 training videos, 5 hours of continuous instruction, 5 training workbooks that you can print and keep as a reference and knowledge reviews to test what you’ve learnt and guide you in the right direction for incorrect answers. Students who enrol now will also receive free membership to the course for the rest of their working life.

Visit our website for more information and to enrol:

You can also stay in touch with EzyLearn and what’s going on my liking our new Facebook page:

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