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Intuit Quickbooks is NOT listed as SuperStream Compliant

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Quickbooks is not on the ATO Certified Product Register for Payroll Software that’s Superstream compliant

Intuit Quickbooks offers a free Windows app twice as fast - did MYOB make the right choiceWe had a call just last week about our forthcoming Intuit Quickbooks course from someone who wants to use it for their payroll and to manage payroll compliance. This student mentioned that they had been to the official ATO website and couldn’t find Quickbooks on there anywhere! We delved a little deeper and confirmed that Intuit, nor Quickbooks appeared anywhere on the Superstream Certified Product Register. The much smaller SAASU was there and so was Intuit’s old Australian distributor, Reckon, but there was no sign of Intuit and here’s why – they partner with KeyPay who provides all payroll related capabilities of Quickbook – currently for no extra money.

But it took even more effort to find Keypay because the Australian company who makes Quickbooks preferred Payroll software is called something different again – they’re called Webscale Pty Ltd!

Free Intuit Quickbooks Course Workbook for everyone who Pre-registered (no charge)

If you’re thinking of switching to Intuit Quickbooks in the cloud I hope this helps make a better informed decision. If you are interested in receiving a free copy of the Intuit Quickbooks training course we are about to launch make sure you visit our QuickBooks Course page and pre-register.

Check out the ATO Certified Product Register and while you’re at it check out Intuit’s statement on their compliance for SuperStream and another on their partnership with ClickSuper.

[button link=”” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Register for Free Quickbooks Training Course Workbook[/button]


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1 thought on “Intuit Quickbooks is NOT listed as SuperStream Compliant

  1. […] this year, a student contacted us to say that QuickBooks wasn’t listed as being SuperStream compliant on the ATO website. We thought that was strange, because we’d previously spoken to Margaret Carey of Business Eez, […]

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