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Xero’s financial report reveals BIG loss but share price pop. - eepurl.com/isNmKQ
If you’re looking for a job it’s a daunting process because you have to sell yourself to an employer and most people don’t have to do this very often. Parents returning from parenting can find it particularly daunting because they’ve found themselves surrounded by nappies, cleaning, cooking and washing and the thought of presenting themselves to other adults can be scary.
I’ve spoken to some EzyLearn students in the last couple weeks about our Accounting Course Tutor Initiative and have been impressed at how capable many of them (you) are!
If you’re currently looking for work, just hold your chin up and be confident because employers don’t just want good computer skills they want good people.
People Hire People
Every time I review my resume I question whether I’m suitable for a particular project, but in the end it’s important to understand that when you put skills and experience aside the employer is looking for someone who fits into their culture and who will work well with their other people.
Once you pass the education and experience checks then it’s all about you!
- Who you are,
- How you like to work (full brief or strategy)
- How do you communicate
- Are you an attention-to-detail person or gregarious and flamboyant
- What type of people do you like working with etc.
Some people like the safety of working for government departments and agencies where staff fit into the system and are taken care of, while others (like me) prefer an environment where team members come together and meet for strategy sessions and to ensure we’re on the same page but then just go ahead and work at what we’re good at.
You may never fit well in some companies
The thing that many job seekers don’t understand is that you’re simply not going to fit in at some companies while you’ll have a perfect fit with others and it just comes down to your need to go through the hiring process – sometimes several times.
When you just be yourself and let your personality come through you’ll either fit in well or not and when you do find a company you’d love to work for they’ll probably love to hire you!
** PROMO **
If you have experience working in accounts and have completed an EzyLearn Xero, MYOB or QuickBooks course you’re invited express your interest in our Accounting Course Tutor Initiative announced recently.
It’s new and we’re exploring how we can help our students earn some extra money by helping other EzyLearn students complete their course.
Read more and let us know if you’re interested.
Career Academy Tools included for FREE
While I’m writing about resume’s have you seen how Microsoft have integrated LinkedIn into Microsoft Word! It is a little creepy at first because as soon as the software sees the words that show you’re creating (or editing) a resume they show you how LinkedIn is integrated into the document templates.
The tips are a good guide though and it helps you flesh out your resume (and also your LinkedIn profile if you have one).
If you are on LinkedIn, I use it a fair bit to connect and communicate with people I work with so feel free to connect with me here.
Other Career Academy resources
The purpose of a Career Academy is to help provide tools, resources, training and experience in the real world and the Job Success program is available to every EzyLearn student for free. Learn more about the Career Academy here.
I’m thrilled to share that we’ll be announcing some fantastic Career Academy resources for EzyLearn students in the New Year so stay tuned and make sure you subscribe.
Silly Season Specials
If you need training check out our Silly Season Sale Specials and enrol at today’s prices but have 12 months to complete the course in your own time.
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