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Migrating Away from MYOB AccountRight to Xero or QuickBooks

Accredited migration experts can help migrate from MYOB AR to Xero - MYOB Accountright Learn Fast - online training courses for accounting jobs - EzyLearn

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Changing accounting systems for an established business is like changing banks. You need to make sure all your new services and accounts are setup and working correctly and then change all your paperwork and systems to make sure the old ones aren’t used any more. Then you’ve got to let everyone who needs to know, know.

It’s easy to say but a fair bit harder to do but more and more companies are making the change from MYOB to Xero. Here’s what we’re building to help

Exporting Accounting Records from MYOB AccountRight

4 Exported file of customer cards from MYOB AccountRight Training Course migration away
Sample of exported MYOB AccountRight Customer records

The first step when making a change to something like Xero is to decide when you want to begin official record keeping in the new software. You then export the information into a TXT file (which is usually opened in Microsoft Excel) which you’ll then use to import into the new software program.

Whether you use Excel or not you’ll have the information in a format that Excel can open, read and modify. Learn about the Microsoft Excel short course in databases.

The first problem you’ll come across is what information do you want to export. It’s one thing to say all, it’s another to actually go into the software and choose all that data. 

The next problem you’ll have will be match fields between your freshly exported Excel file with your new software. 

Read more about our Exporting from MYOB AccountRight to Migrate away Training Course (509)

MYOB & Xero Training Courses

We’ve just created the foundation outline for a new micro course on exporting all your accounting records from MYOB AccountRight. We decided it was a good idea because of the shear number of students who are now enquiring about training packages which include BOTH of these software programs. 

See our current Xero & MYOB Training Courses & Packages

Even though MYOB are rapidly updating and improving all their software, Xero seem to have a marketing advantage when business owners think about all the benefits of cloud based accounting software. 

Stay tuned for updates about this MYOB & Excel short course and read up about our Additions & Updates Policy to see if you’ll receive it for free when it’s released.

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Currently Going Through a MYOB to Xero Migration?

If you are currently going through a migration from MYOB AccountRight please make contact with us and share your experiences. 

Make Contact with EzyLearn


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1 thought on “Migrating Away from MYOB AccountRight to Xero or QuickBooks

  1. […] Don’t worry though, plenty of businesses still use MYOB AccountRight because they are happy with the process they’ve managed for several years and sometimes because they don’t want to go through the tedious process of migrating away from MYOB AccountRight. […]

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