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I’VE WRITTEN MUCH ABOUT accredited training in the past, relating particularly to the use of the term “Diploma”. Just recently, I discovered more murky marketing by a newcomer to the bookkeeping short courses industry.
What’s scary about these training course providers is that they make claims to offer a Diploma, and then after 2 years in business, they apologise for “something beyond their control” like a change in legislation which tells them to stop calling their courses Diplomas, when they are NOT and NEVER WERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Want to know why they do this?
Our Short Courses and Micro Courses are Helping Students Win Casual, Part-Time and Contract Accounts Jobs
The most recent claim I’ve heard is about a company, with a spotted past, which claims to provide a Statement of Attainment for their Xero and MYOB courses. To make matters even more confusing, they use official looking course codes like ABKA314! They do it so they can charge between $800-$2000 for courses that their competitors (which includes us) charge half (or less) than that price for.
A “Statement of Attainment” is a Certificate from an RTO
In my blog about the Fake Xero Diploma, I included links to the official Australian Federal Government websites where you can confirm whether a company is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
Read about our history you’ll learn that I decided not to take EzyLearn on the arduous path of becoming an RTO because of the costs, ongoing record keeping requirements, and red tape involved in becoming an RTO. I certainly didn’t think it all equated with more value for our students.
Our focus is to create and update our short courses on accounting, office administration and digital marketing.
RTO’s charge the enrolment fees they do because of the costs involved in being accredited.
I’ve included an image from a Review of a “Verified Customer” of one of these training companies which you can search for on Product Review — make sure you read the response too.
What else is included in a Statement of Attainment?
A Statement of Attainment is awarded to any student who is deemed to be “Competent” in any subject which makes up a qualification like a Cert IV in Bookkeeping. Each of these “subjects” is called a Unit of Competency and RTO’s must have assessment staff who are qualified in these subjects as well as training and assessment.
This means that you could technically receive a Statement of Attainment for each of the subjects in the Cert IV in Bookkeeping from DIFFERENT RTO’s and still achieve your desired outcome of gaining a Cert IV in Bookkeeping, which is one of the educational requirements to become a Registered BAS Agent.
EzyLearn now partners with an RTO for the Cert IV in Bookkeeping
In case you haven’t noticed in recent blog posts, we’ve partnered with an RTO to offer the Cert IV in Bookkeeping — but this offer is ONLY made to current and past students of EzyLearn AND at a VERY, VERY low price.
I’m proud to share that many Junior and Senior Bookkeepers, Registered BAS Agents and even Accountants and Financial Controllers have completed our Advanced Certificate Courses to learn how to use software like MYOB, Xero and QuickBooks (at affordable prices).
But don’t just hear it from me — please take a moment to read some of the testimonials from our students and business clients.
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