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What’s Your Learning Style Continued: Auditory Learners

Auditory learners often excel in a group environment where they can answer questions about what they've just heard.
Auditory learners often excel in a group environment where they can answer questions about what they’ve just heard.

We’ve now reached the final post in our series on learning styles and we’re discussing auditory learners. If you’re just joining us, you might want to read up on visual learning and kinaesthetic learning — or find out how the majority of EzyLearn students learn (chances are you’ll be among them!)

The Oral/Auditory Way of Learning

So what’s auditory learning? You may not think we’d have many auditory learners completing an online training course and there was probably a time when that was so. But with the ability to upload videos to our learning management system, we’re now able to bridge the gap and provide our training courses to the nearly 20 percent of the population who are auditory learners.

Where Auditory Learners Excel

Typically, auditory learners excel at writing responses to information they’ve just heard, and because they’re also verbal learners, they’re good at delivering speeches or oral exams.

Auditory learners are likely to:

  • Enjoy discussions, talking things through and listening to others
  • Acquire knowledge by reading aloud
  • Follows spoken directions well
  • Watch videos

About 20 percent of the world’s population are auditory learners and they thrive being in the company of others, particularly in the learning environment where they can bounce ideas off other students.

There was a time when online learning or distance education perhaps wouldn’t have been the most viable option for these kinds of people, but that’s now changed. Auditory learners can use our video training videos and connect with other students at our online student community so they can discuss the course content and exercises.


At EzyLearn, we’re aware of the different ways our students learn and we’re always adapting our course content and materials to satisfy those different learning styles, and ultimately, to help you learn better.

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‘What’s Your Learning Style?’ Continued: Visual Learning

Visual learning is one of the most common ways people learn.
Visual learning is one of the most common ways people learn.

In our post called “What’s Your Learning Style?” we looked at the ways our students typically prefer to learn, and in our last post, we discussed the characteristics of the kinaesthetic learning style. In this post (are you following? You should be able to if you possess the learning traits of our next learning style!) we’re going to discuss visual learners.

The Most Common Way to Learn – Visually

As our most popular online training course, the MYOB training course, is a software-based course, we have a great deal of visual learners among our students.

Visual learners are those who learn best by seeing them, and find that confusing information is best explained with the aid of a picture or video tutorial.

Visual learners are likely to:

  • Take detailed notes
  • Need quiet study time
  • Benefit from illustrations, presentations and videos
  • Remember diagrams or pictures

About 65 percent of the population are believed to be visual learners, and even though they’re good with written materials, the online learning delivery method didn’t always meet their needs when it came to visual aids. Now, thanks to the internet, learning providers like EzyLearn are able to provide our content online, accompanied by training videos and presentations, so our visual learners now have the added visual aids to help them learn.

Not a visual learner? See our next post on auditory learners.

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What’s Your Learning Style? Kinaesthetic Learning

Kinaesthetic learners just DO IT!
Kinaesthetic learners just DO IT!

As one of Australia’s largest providers of online MYOB training courses, we’ve come to learn a thing or two about our students’ learning habits and what we’ve discovered is that there are three different kinds of learners — visual learners, auditory learners and kinaesthetic learners.

There’s no right or wrong way of learning, but we thought it would be interesting to have a look at these three learning styles in a little more detail.

Learning … Kinaesthetically 

First up: kinaesthetic learners. People with a kinaesthetic learning style learn by touching and doing things, and although they only make up about 5 percent of the population, they’re a group of learners we see a fair bit at EzyLearn. This is because our training courses are software-based and at some point people become pretty eager to give the software they’re learning about a test drive.

Kinaesthetic learners are the students who learn by discovery, can complete more than one task at once and are those students who like to listen to music while they work.

Kinaesthetic learners are likely to:

  • Need lots of breaks
  • Speak with their hands and gesture a lot
  • Learn by working with others
  • Remember what was done
  • Learn by doing activities

The benefit of being a kinaesthetic learner and studying with EzyLearn is that you’re able to study at your own pace (so you can take lots of breaks), get hands-on with the software and try some of the exercises, and you can also interact with other students at our student community to get that much-need dose of human interaction.

It is this kind of flexibility that online learning offers that makes it so appealing to a broad range of learning styles that the traditional face-to-face offering often can’t provide.

Not a kinaesthetic learner? See tomorrow’s post on visual learners.

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What’s Your Learning Style?

Humans all have different ways of learning and absorbing information. Which style are you?
Humans all have different ways of learning and absorbing information. Which style are you?

As Australia’s leading provider of online MYOB training courses, over the years we’ve come to observe the different learning styles of our students. What we’ve witnessed is that everybody has a different approach to learning, and in particular, that a one-size-fits-all approach to learning just isn’t that effective.

While it may not seem like it, the very flexible nature of the online learning environment actually better caters to all of those different learning styles — whether our students are visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learners, we make sure to include something in the content of our online training courses that will make the learning process easier and more engaging.

Broader Content to Reach a Broader Base of Learning Styles

In fact, the different ways people learn was something we came to notice way back when we still operated our physical training centres on the north shore, northern beaches and other parts of Sydney. But we discovered that even though the face-to-face learning environment is the conventional way to learn, it is not necessarily an all-encompassing one.

When we moved our training material online, it presented us with the opportunity to provide a broader range of content that engaged with a broader range of students. In the years since we offered our first online MYOB training course, we have continued to update our content to ensure we’re always engaging with all of our students, regardless of their learning styles.

For those of you wondering what your learning style is, then you wonder no more! We’ve put together a series of posts, outlining the different characteristics of each learning style. Are you a visual, auditory or a kinaesthetic learners? It might help you realise why some techniques just feel natural for you and why some information just tends to stick!

Understanding Your Own Learning Style

Expanding your knowledge of how you learn helps you to learn better and work through the course content more efficiently — it may even help you work more efficiently in the workplace, or with others who may adopt a different learning style to yours.

Why not read first about kinaesthetic learners — could this be you?