We’ve now reached the final post in our series on learning styles and we’re discussing auditory learners. If you’re just joining us, you might want to read up on visual learning and kinaesthetic learning — or find out how the majority of EzyLearn students learn (chances are you’ll be among them!)
The Oral/Auditory Way of Learning
So what’s auditory learning? You may not think we’d have many auditory learners completing an online training course and there was probably a time when that was so. But with the ability to upload videos to our learning management system, we’re now able to bridge the gap and provide our training courses to the nearly 20 percent of the population who are auditory learners.
Where Auditory Learners Excel
Typically, auditory learners excel at writing responses to information they’ve just heard, and because they’re also verbal learners, they’re good at delivering speeches or oral exams.
Auditory learners are likely to:
- Enjoy discussions, talking things through and listening to others
- Acquire knowledge by reading aloud
- Follows spoken directions well
- Watch videos
About 20 percent of the world’s population are auditory learners and they thrive being in the company of others, particularly in the learning environment where they can bounce ideas off other students.
There was a time when online learning or distance education perhaps wouldn’t have been the most viable option for these kinds of people, but that’s now changed. Auditory learners can use our video training videos and connect with other students at our online student community so they can discuss the course content and exercises.
At EzyLearn, we’re aware of the different ways our students learn and we’re always adapting our course content and materials to satisfy those different learning styles, and ultimately, to help you learn better.