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Hi, my name’s Michelle Stone and I’m an existing EzyLearn MYOB student. I’ve been asked to write a blog about why I chose Ezylearn for MYOB. Well, it didn’t take me much time to decide at all.
Last year, I was put in a situation at home that required me to take over my late father’s business. In taking over this business I needed to reorganise everything, including the accounting software they used. I was introduced to a chartered accountant who became a mentor and he runs his whole chartered accounting firm using MYOB. So I went into his office one day and his assistant director tried to teach me MYOB in one day. At the end of the day I was so confused!
I knew I needed to find something fast to help me with MYOB. It’s complicated software that can’t be trained / taught in one day, unless you are a genius (which I’m not!)
I went home to my trusty computer and looked up MYOB courses on Google and really looked at the different courses on offer. I had a few criteria of my own that had to be matched:
I wanted:
- To study when I wanted to — mornings, night, and weekends, anytime suitable/available.
- To study where I wanted to — café, work or more relaxing environment at home.
- To study and learn at my own pace, not someone else’s pace; be it the teacher or other students.
- To have visual examples with step-by-step instructions, then be able to practise the same thing in MYOB.
- To have assistance when I needed it, not just when I’m learning but when I’ve completed the course as well.
- To have a certificate or certification at the end. This made me feel good once I completed the course and I felt it would assist me in acquiring work afterwards.
- To be able to use the course materials in real-time situations.
EzyLearn met all those criteria and more. The EzyLearn online MYOB course helped me to learn the ins and outs of running a small business from an accounting point of view. It made learning MYOB easy because all the learning material and guidance was at my fingertips with a push of a few buttons on my own computer.
So for me it’s not so much why choose Ezylearn for MYOB — it’s why not?
— Michelle Stone
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