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Website and marketing campaign up and running in one day

With all the right information (content) and systems in place, you can setup a website, optimise it for search engines and create a Google Adwords campaign in one day. Doesn’t that sound nice?

An experienced 123ezy website designer can setup a website for you using the sitebuilder (so you can log in at any time to make changes), create a Google account, create a Google Adwords campaign and get your business online quickly. Your consultant can also code up your 123ezy website with Google Analytics code so that you can measure your statistics from your Google Account interface.

To learn more about what is included in a 123ezy website hosting solution, visit this link:

If you’d like to book a consultation remember that it comes with a one month followup on the phone to go through and see how successful the campaign has been. For more information, follow this link:

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A/B testing for 123ezy websites

How do you know what to put on your websites home page? Do people respond better to an image of an elderly couple or a sweet young lady, do they want to see a lot of text and options or a simple interface? You can now answer these questions with A/B testing on your website.

We decided to a simple experiment using Google Website Optimiser and 123ezy website. We created three different variations of the home page including the original page and our objective was to compared the results of each variation. The goal of course was to get new website visitors to the registration page of our online learning section of the website and Google Website Optimiser was able to keep track of the entry pages that people viewed and if they ended up going to the registration page.

Google Website Optimiser for 123ezy website
Google Website Optimiser for 123ezy website

This diagram shows that both new variations of the home (seniors and community) provided a 37% higher chance of success than the original home page.

This is a great way to see what your potential clients like the most on your website and it’s a great way to prove to yourself how your clients like your website to look.

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More free Microsoft Word online course videos

The successful and popular online computer training website from EzyLearn Pty Ltd attracts over 700 visits per month from students all over Australia and the rest of the world who want to learn how to use Microsoft Office applications like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and MYOB accounting setup. The website also includes training on the 123ezy website design and hosting solution for small business.

Today it has been announced that the 2nd of 12 EzyLearn modules in the Microsoft Word online courses, module 202, is now available to members of the public for free. Microsoft Word online course 202 contains training videos and a workbook with exercise files on how to format text with different fonts, font styles, colours and fantastic tools like format painter, which allow you to duplicate formatting from one part of your Microsoft Word document to another part or a completely different document.

EzyLearn’s Microsoft Word online course 202 includes training on page formatting so you to control how your page looks when it is printed, print portrait or landscape, change your margins and even change your default settings for future uses of the program.

Registration for enrolment as a student at is free and automatic so you can get registered and start learning now.

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A money back guarantee means that if you aren’t satisfied with what you learn at our online course, then you receive a full refund. We asked ourselves “Do people like to learn this way… with online videos?”, then we thought lets give students every reason to try our MYOB course…If we offer free automatic student registration, access to 20 free videos and then a refund if you don’t like what you see, there’s really every reason to give it a go.We took a look at the pricing for most of the other websites offering MYOB courses and most of then charge a lot more, operate on a schedule (so you can’t start whenever you want) and then after the course there are no videos to reference on an ongoing basis.Here are some links that take you straight to certain videos at our website. You just need to ensure you have a free student account and you should be able to watch the videos.* Purchases: receive money and pay bills* How to find transactions in MYOB* Create customer and supplier cards in the MYOB Card file are 17 more videos that you can watch for free, and hundreds more when you enrol. Best of all, you can access these videos for 12 months as often as you need.Please feel free to post a reply to this post with your comments. I hope you like what we’ve created for you.

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Outlook for email, tasks and calendars is free for a limited time

Microsoft Outlook is the foundation for customer contact, database records and appointments for most small businesses (and large ones) in Australia and around the world. The software comes included with many Microsoft Office “suites” when people purchase a computer so it is an automatic choice as preference.

EzyLearn has just revealed its new website, which is specifically targetted to professionals who need to use the popular software to help streamline their office communications or to help jobseekers find work. The entire online course is now available for free for a limited time.

“We normally reveal a small selection of video for prospective students to view in the hope that they like what we have created” says Steve Slisar, director of EzyLearn Pty Ltd, an Australian based creator of computer software training videos, workbooks and exercise files to help office workers, small business owners and job seekers. “This time we thought, let’s give the entire course away for free!” says Steve as the company attempts to establish itself as a leading provider of online training content in Australia.

Feel free to visit, register for a free student account and click on Outlook Course 701 which shows all the videos available in the course. Please feel free to tell your friends about the site if you like what you see.

EzyLearn: Watch. Learn. Earn.

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Learn to create Presentations in powerpoint

Creating a powerpoint presentation is fun because it is creative. There are some small hurdles in using the software, but once you get past them you can create a professional presentation with animations, sounds, videos and more…

Trationally you’d need to wait for the next PowerPoint course at your local community college or TAFE or commercial training centre, but now you can start straight away from the comfort of your own home using EzyLearn’s

Steve Slisar from EzyLearn noticed back in 2002 that his trainers where going over the same topics for most students and often students would come back again to see the same information being taught. “We used to use projectors when we had training centres” says Steve, “and it seemed strange that we were employing a trainer (and good ones are expensive) to do the same thing over and over again. That’s why we started to record videos to go with our workbooks”.

Steve also found that most people who were attending the PowerPoint course at his centres needed to know how to use the software for a test at the employment agency so that they could get a job. “The problem was” says Steve, is that most of these students then didn’t use the software for several months and had to do a course all over again. is designed as the perfect solution for learning to create professional presentations quickly. You can start straight away from your own home or office, learn at your own pace, go over the training material as often as you want (within 12 months) and practice using the workbooks and exercise files.

This course is currently available online for the ridiculous price of $49, so visit the site and enrol to start learning straight away.

EzyLearn: Watch. Learn. Earn.

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Find a job with MYOB accounting software skills

With the financial crisis firmly upon us the employment landscape has changed significantly. The sad reality that we can plainly see is that large companies are reducing staff numbers at all levels including management significantly due to lack of demand for their products. This is leaving both unskilled as well as management staff without income and in a situation where they need to find employment elsewhere or start their own business. It is important at all levels to retrain and upskill to make themselves competitive.Those ex-managers left looking for work may decide it is long overdue for them to start their own business, work their own hours and potentially make lots more money. They’ll need MYOB to run their own business. Even if they employ someone to run their accounts, it is important that they understand parts of the system to be able to use the valueable accounting data available to them.

Employees who need to find another job, mainly if the new job is in an office or office admin environment, will need to know MYOB accounting software as well as other office applications like Microsoft Excel, Word and Outlook. Why do employees need to know about these software programs these days? Having skills using computer software like Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook and accounting software like MYOB are critical for employees in todays employment market because it sets them apart from their competitors, other job applicants.

Whereas many companies used to train staff up, it is expected these days to have the skills before you even start working with the company. Sometimes when job applicants apply for jobs they are asked about their Excel and MYOB skills only to find that after they receive the job that they didn’t need the software or only started to need it after 3-6 months of work. If they completed a course just to have the skills, it is often the case where they need to do another course as a refresher. This is where EzyLearn is different. 

EzyLearn is flexible training at your own pace and in your own place. is an online training site that uses EzyLearn content to provide flexible MYOB courses to those who want to know how to set up an MYOB accounting file from scratch or those who need to use it on a day to day basis. It’s completed online and at your own pace, but best of all you receive a certificate after completing the assessment task and have 12 months access to the training material if you forget things or need to focus on new skills during the year.

Check out the website at and trial the free videos to see if you can learn this way. 

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Buy MYOB Software and get 5 hours free training

Get everything in one purchase and we organise the shipping directly to you from MYOB Australia Ltd. As an MYOB reseller, we don’t hold stock, but simply organise your MYOB software to go straight from the MYOB Warehouse to you. Continue reading Buy MYOB Software and get 5 hours free training

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Touch a spiders legs with Flash

Sounds scary doesn’t it? If you are terrified of hairy spiders this is not a website for you, but if you want to see some of the fantastic things that can be created using Adobe Flash this website is definitely a good example. There are games and other fun stuff to do that is sure to help you kill an hour or so. sure you click along the menu at the top of the website to see the other great things that Tomas from has created. Have fun!  

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MYOB training course from $39

Why would you travel to a training centre, spend a day of your time and cram the information into your brain, when you can watch the EzyLearn MYOB training course videos over and over as many times as you want for a fraction of the price! The MYOB online training courses are available at at more than 50% off their normal prices, PLUS, if you purchase the MYOB accounting software from us (Accounting Plus version), we’ll give you the training for free!Best of all, you can watch 20 videos for free, just to see if you like our training style. So, what are you waiting for? Register for free and watch videos for free and if you like what you see, enrol for over 50% discount. 

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Use social bookmarking and email referrals to make yourself popular

Do you have a website? Want visitors to tell their friends about it? Social Bookmarking is the new way of spreading the word about your website (ie. business). I wrote an article in July 2008 (click here to see) about how quickly word can spread, especially when website visitors can let all their friends know about your website using websites like Facebook, MySpace and other not so well known but still important websites like, etc.  Continue reading Use social bookmarking and email referrals to make yourself popular

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How the Apple iPhone converted me to Macs

I thought it was time to write some general interest news. Having used Windows computers for the last 20 years, it was with reluctance that I accepted an iPod to have a play with. I know, computer trainer for 15 years and just received (not bought) an iPod to play with. Loved it so much that I decided to buy an iPhone as my next mobile phone/camera/calendar/music storage etc….One of the best things that Apple have done is link their iPods and iPhones to their iTunes music player. iTunes not only organises and plays music, but acts as the syncing software to ensure that you have what you want on your iPhone, this includes images, videos, music, calendar entries, emails etc. Another great features of iTunes is the massive library of songs which you can purchase individually for a couple dollars, but the most amazing thing I found was that you can also buy software for the price of songs.I downloaded a program called SpeakEasy for $2.49 and am now able to make audio recordings on my iPhone. Now, OK, I had that same functionality with the last phone I had, an iPaq, running Windows mobile software because all the functionality was built-in.  In other words, it was FREE, but the amazing thing about the iPhone software is that it’s only $2.49, no minimum transaction size and no extra charges. How else could you actually buy software that cheap? This is the beginning of the next software explosion.Why will there be a software explosion? Well, if software can be sold easily for as little as the price of a song, there will be more incentive for entrepreneurial software developers to write software programs with the home of selling much more software through sites like iTunes. This will be encouraged by the fact that devices, like the iPhone, won’t come equipped with everything on them but you’ll have to download software to use the features you want, like video for example… you can’t take videos using your iPhone as it comes in the box, but there are several softare programs out there which will allow you to. All the hardware is there, it’s just the software that’s needed.Finally with the ease of using the iPhone and it’s delicate touching interface, the logical navigation to get things done and the ease of connecting to your computer, I can see a huge rush towards consumers buying Macintosh computers. Think I’ll go along and check out my nears Apple SuperStore today 😉  

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How word spreads like wildfire on the net

These days if there is a good product on the internet the news spreads like wildfire, but why? How is it that word spreads to millions of people in such a short time? With Social media, social bookmarking (we have that on our sites using the AddThis service… so make sure you use it and tell your friends about us), blogs, Vlogs, Wikis and RSS you can tell someone and they can tell someone else and before you know it, your word of mouth recommendations get to thousands of people.

I found a great site that teaches you in plain english how these website work. Please send me an email or reply to this post with your comments. Here’s the link: 

Steve Slisar

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$30 per year is a great number for your telephone

The days of paying Telstra (or even Optus) charging exorbitant amounts per month for line rental and high call costs are over. There are new companies popping up every day in Australia who can help you save a lot of money in your phone calls. The biggest savings I have discovered recently are the costs to national phone numbers and mobiles. These calls are measured in 30 sec intervals by mobile carrier to make them look attractive, plus they have what they call a flagfall (cost to get the call connected). Not so with most VoIP providers.

The VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) phone company that I use is MyNetFone and I am on their smallest plan. It is such a small plan that there is no monthly fee, it’s almost like a PrePaid Service. If you already have a broadband service you can purchase a VoIP phone adapter for less than $60 and take advantage of no monthly costs, untimed national calls for 12.5c and calls to mobile at 27c per minute (not per 30 seconds). Here is a list of the different plans that are made available by MyNetFone:

A great feature of this service is that you can have voicemails emailed to your email address and open them as an audio attachment, you can get a DID (Direct In Dial) number for any and every state of the year for only $30 each. You can sound like a national company and have all your calls answer in one place (even calls from New Zealand).

Finally, you can check on every single call that you have made for the last year or more. I checked back to April last year which is when I started using the service and every single call out that I made on the service was listed with the person I called and how much the call cost!

Maybe things will change as the company gets bigger, but this is some of the great news that is coming from the telecommunications industry with the advent of VoIP.

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Want to be a ‘B’ keeper

Why did we single out the letter B? Well, because it is a combination of Business and book (as in Book keeper). The real reason is we wanted to have a catchy heading to make you read this BLOG post. But if you are serious about becoming a bookkeeper then you may want to take a look at the Wikipedia definition of a bookkeeper (…. Sounds pretty boring doesn’t it?? Still, a necessary evil in our modern capitalist world, and a great way to earn a living as an independent contractor. Yay!!

The real reason for this blog is to let you know that we have started a social networking site for people who are learning, know how to use or want to know how to use MYOB Accounting software (the best selling accounting software in Australia).

To join the network, get to meet other bookkeepers and improve your knowledge please feel free to join and build a ‘sphere of influence’ that will help you provide a better service to your customers and build a level of confidence to perform at your peak (great marketing words aren’t they). Apart from the humour it is important for upcoming MYOB users to get to know other users, build a community and improve their skills in an ever changing taxation environment.

The website address is I hope you can join us 🙂 and share your wisdom.