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The first moment Credit Risk happens

Credit risk is the probability of not getting paid, simple. Some business owners think that just having some special clauses in their terms of trade is all they need to do but there’s more involved.

When you offer anyone credit you are entering into a whole separate debt agreement. It’s no longer just providing goods and services and the warranties which come with that. When you offer credit (to anyone, even friends) there is an expectation that the borrower will repay the loan in good faith – in other words as quickly as possible. But many things can get in the way and the credit component of the transaction can get awkward.

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What does voluntary administration look like?

Mentor Education ASIC notification of Voluntary Administration and Creditors Meeting - will students be notified

I wrote earlier this week about Mentor Educations fate under the hands of an administrator and it all comes down to Credit Management. The “business for sale ad” touts that they earned $5M in revenue but they appear to have a cashflow management issue. Should someone have completed EzyLearn’s Credit Management Course?

This is quite a serious matter for existing students and it is a good case study example about important steps that every business needs to take if they are giving credit. It appears that one or more of Mentor Education’s creditors did have good credit management procedures in place..

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Is Credit Management Just About Getting on the Phone?


It’s Good Business to Set Out Your Credit Management Policy at the Outset

CRITICAL TO THE SUCCESS OF ANY BUSINESS is the ability to maintain a healthy cash flow. But doing so requires effective credit management processes.

Unfortunately, too many business owners feel uncomfortable talking about credit and debt management upfront with new clients.

They (falsely) believe it begins if, and when, a customer doesn’t pay a bill. But, in fact, credit management starts much, much earlier than that — long before the two businesses even agree to work with each other, to be precise.   Continue reading Is Credit Management Just About Getting on the Phone?