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Here’s How to Find the Best Training Course for You

So you’re looking at completing a training course.  Maybe your employer wants you to upskill on a new software program, maybe you want help to run your own business more efficiently, or maybe you’re a jobseeker looking to stand out to employers.

Whatever the reason, you find yourself in the position of trawling the internet in search of a course that’s right for you.  But how do you figure that out? It can be difficult comparing courses from one provider, let alone from multiple. 

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the options, don’t stress, because we’ve put together this guide to finding the right training course for you!

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Why Older People are Saving Startups

older workers mature age employees startup bookkeeping business_comp

There’s a growing freelancer economy in Australia which is being driven by the decreasing number of full time jobs.

Freelancing and working as a contractor is popular among young workers due to fewer job vacancies that exist because older workers are remaining in their jobs for longer.

There’s also more women with children starting their own businesses and working as freelancers and contractors. Without generalising older contractors don’t try to pretend they’re something they’re not and business respect their experience – AND small businesses need these people.

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