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Why MYOB makes you log in after inactivity

ATO makes MYOB improve login security for inactivity of users - MYOB courses

Have you noticed a change in how MYOB makes you login? They’re starting to do as they are told by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), that’s why.

We’ve seen lots of login issues with Xero in the past when they focused on authentication for their users and now it’s MYOB announcing improvements in their security – this time for inactivity.

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Are you Selling Your Property?

Selling Your Property Facebook page cover image

They say that Spring is the season to sell your home but is that the case this year?

Property buyers seem to be holding off leading up to Christmas in the expectation that the economy will be better in 2025. There is an expectation that interest rates will be coming down.

What does that actually mean?!

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Do I need one to one training to learn MYOB and Xero?

When I see this comment I wonder if it’s not just based on the fear some students have about learning by themselves.

They’re worried about what happens if they get stuck on something, what happens if they don’t understand the instructions and wanting to know that someone will be available to help them.

I started teaching students how to use computer software on a one to one basis and thought to myself,

“these people are all spending a lot of money to go through the same basic steps”.

The problem with a lot of courses is that they just dump you with information and then get you to answer some questions in an assessment or test – not EzyLearn, we guide you through learning journeys.

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Is Xero really promoting websites for $2,700

GoDaddy websites created for you - Xero Training Sydney

Xero has always used its partner network to reach it’s users. I remember one claim made by Xero that they are the accounting software of choice for property and real estate businesses but it was really their integration partner Re-Leased that did the heavy lifting.

I received an email from Xero promoting GoDaddy. It was a promotion where GoDaddy would create the website for you and optimise it for Search engines.

What surprised me the most is that GoDaddy will actually create the website for you – not just host it.

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Just follow the messy trail and you’ll learn Xero and MYOB

The purpose of a well designed course is to provide a series of steps for students to perform that gives them the knowledge and practical experience they need to learn.

We use a number of different tools and case studies and one of my favourites is the Jerry Lame “. He’s like many people that you’ll meet every day.

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Has it all become too complicated?

Don't be sad - Microsoft Word & Data Entry Training Courses from $29 or $20 per week for beginners to advanced Certificate

I’ve tried and tested hundreds of software programs over the last 25 years and I’ve noticed something very interesting in the last 12 months – they’ve gotten so complicated!

Email marketing is commonplace these days and you know it’s a money spinner when Intuit buy Mailchimp.

Email Marketing is complicated

The cost of email marketing software has gone up and up and up and all the software vendors are increasing their prices at the moment. I thought Xero was pushing it with their yearly price increase but Aweber is similar to Mailchimp and they recently increased one of their monthly packages from $10pm to $55pm – that’s OVER 500% increase.

Is it worth it?

Continue reading Has it all become too complicated?
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Remote Working Internship

HK Calibration Technology hiring a remote working bookkeeper

Working with our graduates we’ve discovered that organisations are still looking for staff who can work remotely.

A quick look on Indeed (which seems to have more remote working jobs advertised) shows a wide range of jobs from Sales and Customer Service administration to Bookkeeping and Business Administration.

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Should you learn MYOB, Xero or QuickBooks First?

Xero Course, MYOB Course, QuicBooks Course - COMPLETE Suite Training & Support - Bookkeeping Academy

We receive lots of bookkeeping course enquiries from students who are changing careers and want to find bookkeeping work.

If you are new to bookkeeping you may be familiar with MYOB because it has been around for decades. As soon as you start looking at job ads you’ll hear about Xero because a lot of businesses are migrating away from MYOB to Xero.

So a common question is should I learn MYOB and then Xero?

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What’s happening PEPPOL?

Am I speaking gibberish or just crazy?

No, I’m speaking the language of eInvoicing!

PEPPOL is a global way for accounting systems to avoid the entire email system as we know it and Xero are registering every business unless you opt out by 13th November – and it’s included in our Bookkeeping courses.

Learn about einvoicing using Xero

Is this a new closed network that eliminates any invoice and bill paying spam? Yes, pretty much.

I remember teaching people how to use email when it first arrived in our lives in the late 1990’s and it is now the most common way to “authenticate” yourself as a real person.

It is also one of the most common ways to be scammed, spammed and phished!

Xero COMPLETE Training Courses Online Suite - EzyLearn

I first wrote about PEPPOL when the Australian Government announced that they were adoption it – yes, it’s an Australian Government initiative, not a Xero Initiative.

PEPPOL is the mechanism whereby you can get your invoice directly into the software of your client and I think it’s great.

  1. Learn as much as you can about Xero in our Xero Complete training course which comes with lifetime course access and support.
  2. Or choose an individual short course with 12 months access and support with Xero Beginners Course BUNDLE or the Advanced Certificate in Xero.
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Xero Training Course Workbooks from under $35

Certificate in Xero Course for Beginners Training Manuals are available cheaply - Learn Bookkeeping Online - EzyLearn

If your finances are under pressure and you need to learn Xero then our current Special Offer should make you happy.

We offer FREE training sample materials for Xero and MYOB as well as Microsoft Office and buying a course manual is a smart way to learn without spending too much money.

Advanced Certificate in BAS and Financial Reporting Training Course - introduction to Payroll using Xero Workbook

I realise that new students are nervous about which training company to enrol with so many claims being made about accreditation and work guarantees and that they are the best (which is called puffery believe it or not).

I also realise that some training companies think that a handful of videos makes a course – if that were true you could get a degree watching YouTube videos!


Following a step-by-step training program where you actually use the software is the best way to learn and RETAIN knowledge about bookkeeping and office admin tasks.

Using case studies that are based on real world scenarios is even better – those skills are transferrable to the workplace when you get the job you want.

Better still, these case studies are based around tasks that are essential knowledge in accounts and office admin jobs.

So if you want to learn how to use Xero and Microsoft Excel buy and download one of our course manuals and supporting files and get learning today cheaply.

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Do you want to earn an obscene amount of money?

Work remotely from home doing bookkeeping, office admin, customer service and sales work- online courses to help

Someone made contact with me recently and told me about an opportunity where “I could make an obscene amount of money. Does that interest you too?”

This persons problem is that the link to his website didn’t even work!

Who makes an obscene amount of money?

Continue reading Do you want to earn an obscene amount of money?
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I’ve been away for 5 days and everything is out of date

Access to updated training courses in MYOB & Xero and Microsoft Office and Excel courses

There are times when I wish we all had the choice to only upgrade our software if we wanted to!

Microsoft made us all do it by changing the “look and feel” of their Microsoft Office programs like Microsoft Excel and MYOB made us all doing it by putting the changes in PAYG tax tables in their update rather than leaving it in the core MYOB AccountRight software.

I had a few days off and decided NOT to take my laptop with me and gee that felt great!

When I came back my Inbox was full and my website was out of date! Some students messaged to say that the software was a bit different to the training material and the navigation of some of my apps had changed.

It’s normal these days to spend time just catching up on changes in your software, office procedures and prices!

EzyLearn Online Course Updates & Additions for latest versions of Xero, Excel & MYOB courses

When you enrol into a Xero and MYOB Bookkeeping Course with LIFETIME course access you get ongoing access and support for LIFE!

When you join one of our Career Academy membership programs you also get ongoing access and support.

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Don’t give up

Termination payments training course - Learn how to use MYOB and Xero for Payroll Administration jobs

I was speaking with an intelligent lady in her early 50’s and she was telling me about the number of job applications she had done but got no interviews!

This lady has plenty of experience and training but was still struggling to get employers to notice her.

Is this happening to you?

As a business owner this happens EVERY DAY! and you learn to keep digging and applying and calling and emailing. You also need to evolve and tweak and improve on every little aspect where you feel you could have done better.

Courses help to fill any knowledge gaps you have and the more job applications you do the more you’ll see what employers are looking for.

The key is to keep your chin up, take a break if you need to and start searching again.

If you need to learn Office Admin, Business Admin or Bookkeeping skills EzyLearn has a number of options:

Micro Courses and Stackable Micro Credential by EzyLearn
  • Micro courses – software and topic specific
  • Complete coursesbeginners to advanced skills in a software program
  • Combination courses – Complete courses for several different software programs combined

Learn more about how we structure courses in Microsoft Office, MYOB and Xero

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MYOB AccountRight AND MYOB Business Pro Courses COMBINED

MYOB Accountright & MYOB Essentials online training course video library logo 2

The most common question we get asked about our MYOB courses is which version should I learn?

Is MYOB AccountRight more popular than MYOB Business PRO or Lite?

This question is hard to answer because it depends on where you are located and what job ads are going up on Seek and Indeed. When you look for accounting and office admin jobs you’ll be in a better position to answer this yourself.

BUT, to make life easier we offer a MYOB Course Combination which includes both courses AND at a discounted price.

To make this question a little more confusing MYOB changed the name of their MYOB Essentials to MYOB Business and created two versions: Lite and Pro!

Learn more about the MYOB AccountRight and Business PRO Course Combination

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Are hidden office admin and business admin jobs available in Swag? The Seek alternative

The Hidden Job market for Office Admin and Business Administration on Swag by Employment Hero - MYOB & Xero Courses

Are you tired of submitting your resume to job after job only to get the same automated response?

You know the response I mean:


We really appreciate the time you’ve taken to apply for the role of Business Admin Manager, and we love that you’re interested in exploring the possibilities of a career with us.

The selection process for this role was highly competitive and at this stage, we will not be pursuing your application further.

We are growing at a super fast rate and would love for you to keep an eye out for other opportunities that pop up at our careers site.

We wish you all the best with any opportunities you are pursuing right now.

Do you ever notice where these emails come from?

Continue reading Are hidden office admin and business admin jobs available in Swag? The Seek alternative
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I wish you could see this

Archiving subscribers in Mailchimp Email Marketing Course - Marketing Academy

EzyLearn has been an online training company for Office Admin and Business Admin courses since the Internet appeared and geez I could tell you some stories about what I’ve seen.

Something frustrating is happening at the moment and it pits the developing countries again rich countries like Australia.

If you’re reading this because you received an email notification then you’re a subscriber to our blog – WELCOME!

We manage this list using MailChimp because it helps us to be compliant for AntiSPAM requirements but it doesn’t stop people entering all sorts of information into our “Lead Capture Pages”.

PS. Did you know that QuickBooks Online owner, Intuit, now owns MailChimp?

Check out these entries

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