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Graduation & feedback for Online MYOB Training Course

Graduating Students

We want to send a congratulations to some of our students and their success in our online MYOB training course and all the best for their future using the software for bookkeeping and managing company accounts. If you are seeking new employment we also wish you the best in your searching, resume writing, applications and interviews. Congratulations to:

Katya (ACT), Katayou (NSW), Linda (QLD), Veronika (QLD), Jenny (VIC), Denise (NSW), Natalie (NSW), Jacqueline (WA), Sara (NSW), Gopan (NSW), Matthieu (QLD), Kelly (NSW), Rhonda (QLD), Sarah (WA), Pia (VIC), Wayne (QLD), Geri (WA), Kerry (VIC), Robyn (NSW), Darlene (NSW), Celeste (NSW), Michelle (NSW), Cassandra (VIC), Angela (WA), Erica (WA).

What students say

We also want to share some of the comments that current students have made regarding what they enjoyed most about our course and training material:

“My experience with Ezylearn was great. I am going to recomend your website to all my friends and family members”


“All of the course information and also the knowledge tests”


“(The best part of the course was) the walk through videos”


“The explanations were good”


“I thought the course was very thorough and easy to find information especially if I need to review a task… It was very convenient to do the course in my own time when i had available…. and at my own pace”


“Having workbooks to supplement the videos and able to practise simple exercises. Also, the opportunity to be able the myob program for free rather than having to buy it”


“Steve is quite good and makes the video enjoyable and makes it easy for me to learn how to navigate around MYOB”


“Ease of use. Convenient – study when you feel like it and have the time to do it. The videos are easy to follow even though I was using a (different) version of MYOB than those in the videos. This didn’t seem to matter because differences between them were very basic, and are mostly only aesthetic”


“Easy to understand”


“Most of the course was good and the support documention is helpful so I can alway go back to it”


Scheduled Improvements

Don’t worry, we’re not sitting on our laurels just because students have praised our online training courses. There’s also lots of work to be done to make some parts of our courses even better and we want to let you know about them:

  1. New content for the online MYOB training course (including Payroll and Reporting)
  2. More practical Microsoft Excel exercises for things like PAYG and manipulating MYOB reports
  3. Demonstrations on how to perform some calculations in Excel and enter them manually into MYOB
  4. More website measurement statistics for WordPress courses using Google Analytics
Please feel free to send us some suggestions.


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How valuable are words?

It seems that Google has brought back the magic of words. Why? Because they can be indexed and used in search results.

Can you index an image or a video? You can, but you need to index them using words.

You can find almost anything on Google but you need to use words to do it. When you click on a paid Google Adwords advertisement its usually due to the words the advertiser used to catch your attention. If you want to improve your Google organic search ranking you need to use the right “key”words on your website, they call that Search Engine Optimisation (or SEO).

Keywords, SEO, marketing, Google Adwords, resumes

Can someone in the Phillipines, India or Eastern Europe Write Like You?

You might be aware of the value of words these days because you need this skill to be effective in marketing your business online. The role of the copywriter is often undervalued because you can now hire someone in the Phillipines, India or Eastern Europe to write the content of your website or blog for a couple dollars per hour, but would you? After testing out individuals, copy-writing services and other international contracting companies we realise that the quality of the words we use and the ability to relate to other Australians is something only another Australian can truly do effectively. With all the talk about workers in developing countries taking jobs away from Australian workers, we realise that it’s their knowledge of Australian lingo, Australian tastes and Australian attitudes that makes their writing style truly Australian – and that makes it valuable to other Australians.

Work at Home

There is a way of getting good quality words for your website or blog for a reasonable price and that is by using a Virtual Assistant (sometimes called a remote worker, home worker or a remote contractor). There are some great writers out there who choose to work from home and if you use the services of an organisation like Virtually Yours you’ll find top quality writers and remote contractors with many other skills that are part of an organisation designed to find good virtual assistants and promote them as well as provide them with tools to be effective small business owners.

While we are on the topic I want to share the success of Terry from Ramancorp. He operates a small wholesale business supplying a range of framing, hanging, display and packaging materials and he lists them all on his website. Because he has gone to the trouble of providing as much information as possible he uses some very niche words that attract customer looking for the exact product they need. As a result Terry is getting a good amount of NEW customers EVERY month without having to pay a cent in Google Adwords advertising.

Words are Valuable in Resumes, Website and LinkedIn

Words are just as valuable in your resume so the next time you think about what kind of job you are looking for, think about the words that the advertiser might use to attract the right candidate and make sure your resume has these words in it.