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Amazing NEW Update from MYOB

New MYOB training course navigation features in 2024

Things are moving fast in the software industry as Intuit (QuickBooks), MYOB and Xero compete with each other with regular software updates. It has become so fierce that many students are enrolling into our Bookkeeping Academy Combination courses.

The key frontiers are still

  • automated data entry from bank feeds,
  • capturing receipts and extracting data,
  • faster reconciliation and
  • automatic calculations of taxes owed.

These are some of the features promoted by NAB Bookkeeper for NAB Business banking customers but what is MYOB’s huge announcement?

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Thriday slyps past Xero directly to NAB Bookkeeper trial

NAB Bookkeeper uses Thriday to Fight Xero for tax obligations and reconciling

The one thing I’ve found fascinating in accounting and bookkeeping is watching technology companies try to win clients. I’m not just talking about the special offers, features and pricing but how they use technology to make bookkeeping seamless – to replace some of the bookkeeping tasks!

The most recent event I’ve witnessed is NAB bookkeeper service that has a six month free trial and is $20 per month thereafter. 

NAB, CBA, ANZ and WBC Slyp under Xero to provide smart receipts before Hubdoc gets them - Learn MYOB, Xero, QuickBooks to find accounts jobs - EzyLearn

When you read the fine print it is revealed that Thriday is the technology behind NAB bookkeeper.

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Xero vs HNRY + Thriday + Rounded + Parpera

Unlike HNRY Xero doesn't offer bank accounts that deducted Tax and GST payments for you - Online Xero Training Courses & Support

Would you sign up to a Xero controlled back account? Would you let Xero become your accountant or tax agent to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)?

Does that sound strange? Imagine if Xero managed your bank account for you and made sure that all your taxes were paid for automatically BEFORE allowing you to receive your pay.

Doesn’t that “sort of” happen already with Single Touch Payroll?

If Xero had their own accountants would you go with a Xero accountant for your own business?

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Xero’s Integration With DiviPay Can Help Small Businesses Manage Expenses

Expense management is an important thing to have control of in order to keep a business running smoothly.  But it can be a time-consuming process, full of paperwork, data entry, and chasing up staff members for receipts and invoices.

Xero’s integration with DiviPay promises to make the whole process easier, with seemingly half of it being done by staff members on their mobile phones!

But how does it all work?

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NAB Slyps past Xero Hubdoc to integrate Smart Receipts for Merchants and Customers

NAB, CBA, ANZ and WBC Slyp under Xero to provide smart receipts before Hubdoc gets them - Learn MYOB, Xero, QuickBooks to find accounts jobs - EzyLearn

One of the most publicised recent acquisitions for Xero was Canadian Receipt Capture, Scan and Coding software HubDoc. Rather than send a “bank-like” email informing users that the monthly fee to use Xero was increasing, Xero “sold” the value of the pesky increase of $2 as a saving of $27.50 because they included the Receipt Capture features in the software! That’s smart marketing.

In the meantime, MYOB forged an alliance with Bunnings as every large fintech, accounting and banking organisation tries to get into the Smart Receipt marketing at the source. Here are some of the things that have happened.

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Major bank wants to NAB uber small businesses

NAB partners with large accounting firm to bypass bookkeepers

Is Airtax competing with the accountants version of Xero and MYOB for cashbook accounting
NAB group executive Antony Cahill with Sammy Kumar of PwC Picture Stuart McEvoy with Airtax credit card from The Australian website

As an ex-NAB small business client I confess a biased against the bank and their archaic computer systems.

You could probably tell that from blog post where they asked their NAB Dee Why branch clients to temporarily change their BSB number while there is some property development in the Dee Why square (where I had my first computer training centre)!

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